The clouds start to loom

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March was it when it all began. Even though that you have graduated your last year in college, the weight on your shoulders hadn't disappeared. The loss of a grandmother who has been taking care of you since you were a child due to your parents working abroad. Coming into adulthood was a huge suprise. Lastly, looking for a job.

Your problems might only be 3 factors but they sure are heavy. Depression due to a loss is unexpected. You couldn't properly think because of her. Though she died from sickness you still blamed yourself.

"How come she had to leave already. Why couldn't she have lived longer to the fact she stayed healthy,"

Whenever you went to places that reminded you of her made you slow down and sometimes you couldn't help but cry. It ached deep inside. Sometimes you played tapes of you with her during your younger years to feel as if she is there beside you. Even though you smiled, it didn't change the fact that she's gone.

Adulthood. Geez, you just came out of college and to think you were free? No, there is no such thing as freedom. It was all just a lie. Sure you get to do what you want, you don't have to do school work anymore and so on and so fort. But when you came to adulthood, you have more responsiblities than you had when you were a child. You soon have to find your own place, get a job, pay the bills and whatever you got to do. This fact irritated you 'til the bones. You wish that you were still a kid, but you had to face reality.

Then looking for a job. Boy this is hard, you didn't know what to choose! The reason why you couldn't work yet was that majority of the jobs you wanted were already taken or that you weren't qualified.

You were at rock bottom right now. You just needed a miracle right now to free you from this hell called life.

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