Sundae Sundate

480 22 4

A/N: i'm so sorry

"It's a Sunday! Of course they would be closed--". Karamatsu continued on lecturing himself on why he didn't even bother looking at the calendar. It was almost 11 am and he was unsure where to go to. Was he to go back home and play his guitar on the roof again or go on a date on his own? .

It was blazing hot and it wasn't nearly 12 yet. 'Isn't there an ice cream shop near by...?'. He then sets foot to that ice cream shop to prove whether or not there was one. Luckily, it was pretty near. Just 2 blocks away from the flower shop actually. As soon as he enters he's greeted with a guff of cold air produced by the air conditioner of the shop. Today was quite a quiet and slow day and there were only a small amount of customers in the said shop. Karamatsu goes up to the counter analyzing the menu to see what could be affordable for his almost to nothing budget. 'A mint chocolate cone would be nice but it's too pricey... there's also vanilla but--'.

"Oh! Mr. Karamatsu, is that you?". Karamatsu's thoughts were interrupted by an oh-so familiar voice. The voice of someone he's been looking for. "(Y/N)? What brings you hear? Also you don't have to call me Mister, I'm hardly that older than you" an awkward and giddy laughter comes from the two respectively. "I just wanted to get myself a treat really, I just came from the flower shop to check up on some things,". "Oh, thats nice," He replies as he took out his wallet. "I'd love to treat you to ice crea-" he cuts himself off as he realized he didn't have enough money for the two of them and Y/N had  seen his face, sweating as he tried to act cool from seeing his almost empty wallet. "Thanks but I can uh, see your situation and I'd rather have me treat you!" Y/N says with a smile.

"So what do you want?"


Time with Karamatsu was always surprising, even though you've only just met him two or so times. Although you've always enjoyed you're time with him. After both of you ordered you're ice cream he suggested you would sit by the window. You talked about each other and turns out he has 6 other brothers... who look exactly like him.

"It's not idealistic tho having 6 identical brothers, it's hard to show off your looks, y'know?". Karamatsu's eyes widen seeing you smiling and laughing widely. Eyes closed, hands over your mouth trying to lower your very audible laughter, and finally that sweet laugh of yours. It was the first time he'd seen you laugh really, he's seen you smile a bunch of times but dang when he heard your laugh. It was as if time stopped for this moment. This precious friendly moment between two people who've recently met.


Both of you immediately turned to the loud noise that interrupted both of your peace. It was a man who looked like Karamtsu and he was making faces on the window beside the both of you. Actually it wasn't just one but 4 of them. The one sticking his face on the window was wearing a red jacket with the same logo Kara had on his. Then there were the other 3 in distress at the back. They were wearing yellow, purple, and green jackets.

"Oi Karamatsu, how dare you go on a date without us? HUH?!"

The red one seemed quite pissed, the other 3 agreed with him and said they're on part of complaints. Karamatsu was just mixed with emotions at the moment. He displayed a mix of anger, disgust, annoyance, and humiliation. How could he display that much emotion at once? It was better not to know the answer to that for it couldn't be answered at all.

"A-ah (Y/N), I'm so sorry about this--" He stammered his apologie as he covered his face with his hand. You just chuckled and smiled at him as the men outside continued to make a ruckus outside. The other people inside were shocked too and one of the staff members went out to sort it out. "It's alright, why don't I just invite them?" "Wait what--". And that's how Karamatsu's impromptu plan of spending time with you was destroyed. His much of a blessings of brothers were now sitting with them. Karamatsu sat between you and the one in red, then the other three sat the opposite. "It's nice to meet the three of you, my name's (Y/N)," you introduced yourself to the siblings of Karamatsu, so did they to you. The man in red, also known as Osomatsu, apologized for his actions a while ago and said that he's just "Doing what the eldest should do" which was to "look out for his younger brothers".  The one in purple, Ichimatsu, was quiet through out the whole conversation he seemed to be death glaring at Karamatsu time to time. The yellow one, Jyushimatsu, was quite energetic. Actually not quite but way too energetic. Although he did seem quite nice and funny and it felt as if being around him made everything warm and fuzzy. The green one, Choromatsu, seemed nice but he was very awkward. He'd stumble over his words and he would fidget a lot. Then there was Karamatsu who felt like murdering his brothers, although he couldn't because he was right beside the person he found precious and he absolutely didn't want to show a flaw to you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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