6. Suspicion

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Katrina and I held on to each other in shock.
"Oh dear, you think he fell down?" She said, holding tightly on to me.

"Maybe he tripped" I said reassuring her. I didn't want her to feel scared on her birthday. "I'm sure Harry is looking for you. Don't worry, I'm sure the guards will explain everything " I said and smiled. I don't know if I said that for her or for me.

But I knew this was no accident.


I was walking the corridor that led to my room. But I had the suspicion someone was following me. And I believe I know who it is.

"Does Jessica know you're here?" I said.

There was silence.

"I know it's you. Don't hide from me." I said and after awhile Ethan came out. "Ah there you are! It's much better to talk when we can see each other isn't it?" I said.

He looked upset. "Why are you here?" He said.

"I could ask you the same" I said and he glared at me.

"Very well, If you must know I was heading to my room" I said. "Now if you want to go to the party I could show you the way"

"No need, I know this castle like the back of my hand. I was a butler in training as well." He said.

"Ah I thought I knew you from somewhere. You're the kid that wanted to leave" I said.

"And you're the kid with the anger problems. Isn't it, Dante?" He said.

I glared at him. "Yes, yes I was. Now is there anything else, or..?" I said.

"Let me tell you something. I don't know what it is you want. But stay away from Jessica, if you so much harm her I will-"

"Are you threatening me Mister Ethan? I wouldn't recommend it. You see, I don't know why you have those absurd ideas, but I would never hurt her. But as you well saw we have a murderer among us, and if you so much as touch me, well.. they might think that you're the murderer. If you aren't already" I said.

"W..what's THAT supposed to mean?!" He said.

"You heard me. You and everyone in that ballroom are suspects. Even the king." I said. "Now if you'll excuse me I have things to do" I turned around, entered my room and closed the door.
I could hear him curse on the other side of the door.

I changed into another suit. "The third dance will come later eh? I wonder what else" I mumbled to myself while looking in the mirror. "That girl...Jessica... What am I feeling? Lust, Desire, or perhaps love?.." I sighed. What I wouldn't give to see her without the mask. "Maybe I could..." I started thinking. "Yes she'll like that."
I said and made my way to the ball.


Katrina went to speak with her guards. I watched a few people start to panic. The guards explained that it was just an accident.

"Ummm... the third dance is about to start. Let's make it a bit different shall we? Let's dance in the garden." Katrina said trying to calm everyone.

After a few minutes everyone agreed.

I stood at the dance floor waiting for Dante or Ethan. I saw Ethan walk down the stairs and pass by the guard. He still doesn't react to seeing them.

I explained what happened and we both made our way to the garden. On the way, I saw Dante.

He went to my side. "Everything alright my lady?" He asked.

"Sort off.. you see.." I whispered to him. "Another murder happened." I said.

He looked at me. "Ah so that's what people been talking about...how unfortunate." He said.

I looked at him. "Oh you changed your clothes" I said.

"Ah yes, I was preparing myself for the third dance, which i see is now being held at the garden" He said looking at everyone.

"Ah yes. I think it's quite lovely. I've always loved that garden." I said smiling.

"You've been there before?" He asked, looking at me.

"Well yes, ever since I was a child." I said. "It's been a few years since I last came here." I said and looked down.

"Why's that? If I may ask." He said.

"I.. don't like telling that story.." I kept looking down.

"I'm terribly sorry my lady" He said and held my hand. "I won't ask again"

"No..it's ok...maybe one day I'll tell you" I said and smiled.

"I'd like that" He said and smiled.

We arrived at the garden, where the third dance will be held.

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