11. Feelings

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Our dance ended and he bowed. "I enjoyed our dance, Dante was not wrong about you." He said and left.

I stood there not knowing what to do. Then I realized it.

Usually the murders happen after each dance...so that means...

oh no..

At that moment I heard it.

A person was screaming. The music was pretty loud, but I could hear it clearly... someone was getting murdered.. I gathered up my courage and decided to investigate for myself. Most of the people here didn't seem to hear him scream.

It wasn't a loud scream. Maybe I just imagined it? No, either way I should investigate. I started walking through the corridors. I wonder if I'm going the right way.

I suddenly stopped. I think I can hear someone. I looked at the ground and saw blood stains. These were different than the last one I saw. The last one was a puddle of blood, this stains make it seem like someone was dragged around the floor. I decided to follow the stains.

I stopped when I saw the body. It was a noble. He was barely breathing.

His legs were cut in half. They were gone.. I could see the knee bones sticking out at the bottom. He's loosing blood fast. He raised his hand as if asking for help. I was scared but I had to help him. I ran to his side.

"Y..you're gonna be ok! I'll go fetch help!" I said and looked around. I noticed a closet. "Ah, there must be something there I can use to stop the bleeding!" I said as I ran to the closet and opened it.

I had to step back. The sight was horrible to see. The remainder of his legs were here... And someone used his blood to write on the wall. I wanted to look away, but at the same time I wanted to read this message. I looked closely and it said:

Shall we dance?

I trembled. This has to be a nightmare.

I noticed there was a towel next to his..legs.. slowly I walked towards it and grabbed it, and quickly made my way back to him.

"Alright, I..I'm gonna try to stop the bleeding." I said as I pressed the towel against his legs, getting my hands bloody.

"O..ok.. that should give me time to get help." I said and started getting up but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.
He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

"D...don't....t...t...trust...t..their..kind...ness...." He managed to say.

I looked at him.

"Who's kindness?" I asked.

He looked at me and closed his eyes.

"S...sir?" I said and moved him, followed by placing my head on his chest.

No heartbeat.. he's dead.

Now that I was alone with him I realized what had happened. Tears formed in my eyes, and they couldn't stop. I tried to save someone and couldn't

...all the things I saw right now...
the message written in blood..
what he said..

I was terrified.

Why was all of this happening?

I sunked to the ground and stayed there for I don't know how long.

I heard someone call my name, but I couldn't react to it. It was a man's voice.

Suddenly everything went dark.


When I came to the ballroom, I didn't see Jessica anywhere. I quickly ran to look for her, searching everywhere.

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