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I was furious, and I couldn't control my anger any longer. So I spilled all of the asshole's secrets without even realizing that I was being too harsh on Harry's mother.

I looked at Harry who glared at me, and that's when it hit me. All of it was happening because of Harry. He tried to force me to let my dumb dad back into my life, he tried to make me do something that he knew it would break me to pieces. I mean, I thought I was overreacting for a second, but then I was sure that it was my right to make my own decisions and not sacrifice my own promises and happiness for the sake of some boy who tried to force me into something after I opened up to him about my situation with my dad and his family. 

Maybe, I realized all of that from the start but it was all stored deep down my subconscious, I mean that would explain why I went off on Harry's mum...right?

I felt bad for what I had said to Harry's mum and the way I told her the truth as soon as I looked at her cry.

It was so silent...Too silent and that proved how astonished they all were for that none of them expected md to do anything like that, especially not my dad and Harry.

It was too much for me, so I stood up, grabbed my things and walked away in silence.

I expected Harry to come after me, but instead he kept looking at me with utter disgust, and it angered me even more, like dude I just saved your mum's ass and I didn't say shit to you for making me face the son of a bitch who abandoned me, yet you look at me as if I just joined ISIS or something.

As I was about to walk out of the door, I turnes around and said while looking directly at my dad :"Don't you ever dare to contact me ever again or else I swear to god that I'll make your regret it." Then I looked at Harry, and added : " Same thing goes to you Harry, I don't want to see you again." And I took the engagement ring off my finger and put it on the table and left.

I wasn't even crying, I didn't feel hurt. The only thing I was feeling was anger. 

I kept walking and I didn't even know where the hell I was, but I needed it. I needed some fresh air to calm myself down before I committed a crime out of the rage that was inside me.

And then the rain started raining out of nowhere, as if being out in the cold at night wasn't enough. "Great...Just great" I muttered. 

I hated England's weather. It was already cold and raining, and if we were lucky we'd see a bit of the sun once in a billion years. I was missing home, I missed my friends and my family back home and all the support they had given me. 

In London, I was lonely. I only had Harry in London. And maybe Zach, but we weren't on the best terms, we were constantly fighting. And even the guys whom I met a couple of months ago from Youtube and Vine were all back in America, I wasn't even friends with the British YouTubers. I was completely lonely now that I lost Harry as well, and there was nothing that I wanted to do but to go back home where I felt loved and supported, where there was less drama and pressure.

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