/The Reichenbach Fall/

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Sherlock: Molly!
Molly: Oh hello. I'm just going out.
Sherlock: No you're not.
Molly: I've got a lunch date.
Sherlock: Cancel it. You're having lunch with me.
Molly: What?
Sherlock: I need your help. It's one of your boyfriends. We're trying to track him down. He's been a bit naughty.
John: It's Moriarty?
Sherlock: 'Course it's Moriarty.
Molly: Jim wasn't actually my boyfriend. We went out three times. I ended it.
Sherlock: Yes, and he stole the Crown Jewels, broke into the Bank of England and organized a prison break at Pentonville. For the sake of law and order I suggest you avoid all future attempts at a relationship, Molly.

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