Chapter 12

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Hope the ninja studied, because it's time for a pop quiz! :D

Contestants remaining (6): Kai - Fire, Jay - Lightning, Lloyd Garmadon - Energy, Skylor - Amber, Riptide- water, Twilight- wind

Losers (12): Griffin Turner-speed, Paleman-light, Karloff-metal, Cole- Earth, Bolobo-Nature, Gravis-Gravity, Jacob-Sound, Ash-Smoke, Shade-Shadow, Neuro-Mind, Camille-form, Tox-Poison

Jay's Account

Jay sat up in bed, panting. He had just had a terrible dream about Nya and Riptide. Which did he like more? Would Nya be horrified if he came home with Riptide? Or would she not care and just dump him for Cole, like she'd been trying to do all along? Would Riptide agree to come back with him? Or did she have another home that she was eager to get back to? Suddenly, Chen's morning announcements crashed into his thoughts, declaring thatthe contestants had to come to the Hall immediately. Jay threw on his suit and raced down into the Hall, where a large table sat. Pencils and papers were stacked on top of it in neat rows. Jay swallowed nervously. It reminded him of school, when his teacher would decide to test them. "Today's competition is a test!" Chen announced gleefully. "Lowest score goes home!" Jay groaned, but took a seat and began to look at the paper. Around him, the other elemental masters were doing the same.

Q1: Who was the first to go home?

Jay decided that that was a trick question, because both Griffin Turner and Paleman were first to go. He wrote down his answer.

Q2: Who was the Master of Speed?

Jay's mind blanked. Shrugging, he decided to go with Jacob.

Q3: What was the first game of the mini-tournament?

Jay snorted. This quiz was easy. He put down Dodgebomb.

Q4: What was the last game of the mini-tournament?

Jay growled. How did Chen expect him to know this? Was he targeting the ninja? None of them had participated in the last game! Shrugging, he put down 'an obstacle course'. Chen hadn't done that yet, so maybe that was what he had missed. He moved on to the next question feeling uneasy.

Q5: Who left last challenge?

Jay put down Camille and Tox.

Q6: How did Cole leave?

Jay sighed as he wrote 'Jadechess'. Cole had lost to Riptide early on, but maybe it was for the better. After all, he would never have met Riptide if he hadn't left... But Cole was on his ninja team... He grimaced and went on to the next question, trying to ignore the guilt twisting his stomach.

Q7: Who lost in the mini-tournament?

Jay growled. He had no idea! Clearly, Chen was rigging the game so Skylor could win. But why? He knew there had been three losers, so he guessed 'Gravis, Bolobo, and Camille'.

Q8: How did Shade lose?

Jay wrote down 'Opposites'.

Q9: How did Neuro lose?

Jay grimaced. That was easy. He wrote down "Capture the Flag".

Q10: How did Ash lose?

Jay sighed. What was it with the "How did this competitor lose" questions? He wrote down the Dragon Battle Race. Looking ahead, Jay noticed that there were no more questions, so he handed his sheet to Chen, who handed it to Clouse. Clouse checked all the scores with an annoying "hmm, hmm", then finally looked up and whispered something in Chen's ear. Chen smiled triumphantly. "And the loser for today is... Lloyd Garmadon!" A shocked silence greeted his words, punctuated by Lloyd's trapdoor opening. Jay stared after him. He had known that someone had to go home, but he had thought it would be Skylor, not Lloyd! Chen announced that, in an hour, they will all have to vote for who they want to go home!

Author's Note:
Oh, no! Well, there goes Lloyd. A fat lot of good his invincibility has won him now, hasn't it? Ah, well. The final five have been chosen! And everyone here is VERY important! You have Skylor, the villain, then Riptide and Jay, and then Kai and Twilight! Join us next time for the voting... I think you just might be surprised by who's going home! >:3 And so sorry for the short chapter! D: I couldn't really make this any longer! xD

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