Shiro part .1

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'This cloak will give me the power I need has to' Shiro says in thought, clutching it like it's the last thing on earth. Gritting his teeth together. 'Oh how long I've been waiting for this day to come'
Sneaking out to his bedroom window where he could stand on the roof and bathe in the bleeding moon. He puts the cloak on and closes his eyes.
Then finally.......Flashback
I was standing in the dark cold forest, only 5 years of age and I find my soon to be new best friends mother arguing with my brother. she has committed a great crime that a child of 2 could understand, Falling in love with an angel, not only that but bearing a child with it. I was too afraid to come out for I know I would be in great trouble. But I knew what I had to do. For some odd reason I felt an urge to protect the child. It was just laying there in the cold, under the darkness. Sarah was her name, meaning princess. I picked up the child, trying to not be seen, and took her back to my home. Once I got there I quickly went to work. Book after book, page after page, looking for information on a portal to drop her off in the real world. The world of humans I believe it was called. She would live a normal life and hopefully would never be found by my cruel brother. I know what he would do.
Destroy the creators first
Then the product.

Once I've found the portal I need to find, I quickly picked up the now sleeping baby and headed off into the shadows. Then....
End of Flashback
Shiro wakes up.

...'whoah what just happened?'
'Was that a dream? How come it didn't work? Where is the power?' The now older Shiro thought
"The power doesn't come from the cloak, and you will never find what ever power you are seeking, you don't need it and you don't deserve it" Hades hissed
"Hey, I just wanna be king already, you need to hurry up and die already so I can get my rightful spot." Shiro smirked
"Even if I was, the throne would reject you. The underworld doesn't need a selfish ruler like yourself. Oh and this whole dream thing you had, it was just a dream, nothing else."
Hades replied.
"How did you know about that? Did you put that shit in my head?!"
" It was a dream and nothing else's"
"I know you were behind it, you are playing your stupid minds games again, cut it out brother." Shiro growled, closing his fist into a tight ball.
"Now what would I have behind it?" Hades asked
"I remember most of what happened 21 years ago. I saw it in the dream, you were there, you did something so terrible." Shiro replied
"Oh, I have done many things, what are you taking about?"
"You killed them, that's what you did"
"Her mother and father"
"How do you know this?" Hades asked a little above a whisper.
"It was in the 'dream' I had, I was there, I know what you did"
"They deserved it, they committed a crime and they payed the price." He growled
"We shall not speak of this again, and if you do bring it up, I might have my plans for Sarah to take action a little earlier than on schedule." Hades said, turning away
"What do u plan to do to her."
"That's for me to know and you to find out." And soon enough Hades vanished from sight.
"That son of a bitch."
Shiro shook his head and made his way back to his bedroom.
Now that he know part of what happened, he now knows she needs to be protected.
'Goodnight princess'

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