Chapter 1 - Patrick

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            I found my wife in the kitchen that morning, her bathrobe tied at her waist, and her hair in a loose ponytail. I smiled as I walked up behind her, slipping my hands into the pockets of her bathrobe. She smiled and leaned back against me. "Morning Trick," she whispered, stirring the coffee that she had on the counter in front of her.

"Good morning," I whispered back, kissing the side of her neck.

"You know she's going to be pissed when she gets up?"

"I know," I sighed, "When isn't she pissed at me?"

"That's a good question," Allie giggled, turning around in my arms. Setting her coffee mug down, she wrapped her arms around my neck. "She knows you love her, though."

"I know," I said, leaning in to kiss my wife. "I couldn't help it," I said between kisses, "He had his tongue down my daughter's throat."

Allie giggled and gently pushed me away, "I'm sure it wasn't that bad," she laughed, "I distinctly remember when we were in high school, and we did the same things."

"That's different," I insisted, "She's not even in high school yet."

"Okay, well what about Declan?"

"What about him?"

"He and Ruby sneak around behind our backs all the time, and you don't ruin his dates.

"Well, I know Ruby's a nice girl. And he knows that Joe would have his head if he hurt her."

Allie shook her head and laughed at me, leaning in to kiss me again anyways. I kissed her back, and she pulled away once more. "Just lay off her a little bit, okay?" I hummed a response, not really agreeing one way or another, and pushed her back gently against the counter. I sealed my lips to hers again and leaned over her, my hands on either side of the counter behind her. I hummed happily against her lips, only to hear an agitated groan from behind us.

"You guys are gross," came the curt acknowledgement of our daughter. I sighed and pulled away from Allie, looking behind me at the thirteen-year-old sitting at the kitchen table. Her hair wasn't black anymore, but turquoise blue. When the hell did she do that?

"Rose," I sighed, "When did you dye your hair again?"

"Uh...last night?" She said, as if it were obvious.

"Ro, it's gonna fall out before you're twenty if you keep dying it like that."

"You're one to talk," she snapped, rolling her eyes at me as she looked down at her phone. I glanced at Allie and ran my hand through my hair, my fingers grazing over the bald spot in the back that was getting more and more noticeable every day.

"That's natural," I mumbled, "I couldn't help it."

"Ro, be nice to your father," Allie sighed smiling as she sat down across from her at the table. Our daughter only rolled her eyes again and went back to whoever she was texting on her phone. I turned around and starting making myself some tea. They were quiet until I finished and joined them, kissing Allie's cheek again.

"You can't hate me that much," I said to Rose, making her glare at me, "You're wearing a shirt with my face on it."

She shifted awkwardly, as if she had forgotten that she was wearing a Fall Out Boy t-shirt. "I like your band," She snapped, "Doesn't mean I like you."

You Sang To Me - I'm Not Broken Hearted Trilogy, Book 3Where stories live. Discover now