Chapter 11: Cheater

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Chapter 11: Cheater


There really was nothing to lose, if I go and claim John what was with that wife of his in front of everyone the worse that could happen was suffering shame. But in the course of a lifetime - and I'm on a different era- what does it matter?

I saw both of them. His wife had light blonde hair, her face was a little chubby and her smile couldn't disappear. And John, John was handsome as always, his bright brown soft hair was moved by the wind, his smile was wide and his eyes sparked happiness. Was he better without me? I mean, we'd just met some months ago, but I thought our relationship was better. Even though he has a wife.

I lost no time and went straight to him.

" Hello John, missed me yet?"

" Uh- Anna! What brought you in here?"

" Who's her, Johnny?" Cynthia innocently asked

" I'm Her-"

" Friend!"

I shot John a glare.

" Yes." I said, while I tried to keep my temper. " We're only just friends."

" At least now we are..." I mutter and John looked at me shocked.

" Oh, well.. Hi! .... Ana" she replied. " Nice to meet you!"

" You can come with us." John added.

" Of course I'd love to." I replied, with an evil smile.

Oh John, you will be sorry for what you have done to me...


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