Chapter Eleven: The Moment A Moody Teenager Murdered My Breakfast

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--The Weekend Arrives-- (I will say when to play the song)

~Your POV~

The sunlight shined through my eyelids as my alarm blared (How about....BLAIRed.....Get out, Serenade, get out *leaves*) into my ears. But of course, I hit the snooze as usual. And as always, Dawn barges in and screams in my ear just like she does most mornings.

"NO SNOOZING TODAY, (Y/N)!" She shouted. I groaned. "Why not!?" I whined, tossing and turning in the bed. "We're going to Soul and Maka's place today to hang out, remember?" And as usual, hearing of Soul woke me up. You could say he's like my caffeine. I hopped up out of bed, pushed Dawn out the door, and got dressed.

~Dawn's POV~

Just as usual, (Y/N) awoke from the mentioning of Soul. Typical (Y/N). After being pushed out of her bedroom, I decided I would just plop down on the couch and watch some TV. Nope! Couldn't. Elliot, who has been staying with us for a whole week and is never going to leave now that he's enrolled in the academy, was fast asleep on the sofa. I mean, I didn't have to sit on the couch to watch TV, but I didn't want to wake him up by the blaring noise of it.

Instead of watching TV, I just decided to read. I'm a bit of a bookworm. I sat on the armchair that was placed near the couch and read my book until (Y/N) had gotten ready. Then, there was a soft voice that had greeted me.

~Elliot's POV~

I woke up to find Dawn, who's attention was fixated on the book she was reading. "Morning." I greeted, sending her a friendly smile. "Hey." She said, looking up from her book. "How'd you sleep?" She asked as she closed the book and placed it on the bookshelf next to her. "Alright. How about you?" I asked. "I slept okay." There was a bit of awkward silence, until (Y/N) had walked in. "Morning Elliot." She greeted. "Morning"

"You may wanna get up and get ready. We're leaving in about an hour or two." She informed me as she began fixing herself a bowl of cereal. (And just as last chapter, if you don't like/want cereal, you may tailor it to your liking) I nodded and grabbed some clothing from my suitcase and headed to the bathroom to change.

~Your POV~

As Elliot left to go change, I had noticed Dawn seemed as if she had something on her mind. "You guys would be cute together." I said, winking at her. (XD *Wink wink*) She began blushing and waving her hands back and forth. "No! Elliot is just a good friend, okay?" She clarified, giving me a death glare. "Alright! Alright! I didn't say you guys liked each other! Is it so bad to ship it?" She just rolled her eyes and went to her room, slamming the door behind her. I rolled my eyes. "Teenagers." I said sarcastically.

(Play song now)

Elliot then entered the room and joined me for breakfast. "Where's Dawn?" (I accidentally put Dan at first XD) He asked, skimming the room. "She went to her room and slammed the door behind her like the moody teenager she is." I said, following it with a laugh. Dawn then stepped out and stole my bowl of cereal from my hand. (Again, If you changed it, then do the same here) "I'm not the only moody teenager here." She said, smirking. "Hey! Give that back!" I demanded, face red with anger. "Nope! Tamper with my love life, I tamper with your food!" She teased, dumping the cereal (Or whatever you were going to eat) in the trash. I gasped. "MY FOOD!"

"YOU DESERVED THAT!" She shouted, as she sped back into her room, slamming the door behind her. Soon after, Elliot finally spoke up and said, "" I just shook my head and mouthed, 'Don't worry about it.' He then looked down at his bowl of cereal looking a bit uneasy, blushing.


Hey Musical Notes! Sorry the Chapter is short but right after this is updated, I'll be writing the next, so don't worry. Also, I hope you liked this chapter. I thought the song would fit. It kinda explains how Dawn murdered your breakfast XD And don't worry, you'll be headed to Soul and Maka's place next chapter. Cya guys in the next one! Bai!


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