Chapter Three: Yeah, I'm a Girl. Your Point?

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(I'll say when to play the song)

There it was. The annoying, petrifying sound of your defining alarm clock. You throw your hand in the air, readying to smash the snooze button, but the sound went off before you could. "Wake up, (Y/N)!" Dawn shouted into your still adjusting ear. "Just five more minutes?" You turned to the other side, no longer facing Dawn.

"No! We have school, remember?" You nodded. "Yeah, I remember. That's why I don't wanna get up." You yawned and covered your head with the giant (C/O/C: Color of Choice) blanket covering the rest of your body. "Soul will be there~!" She sung, arousing you from your sleep.

"I've gotta get ready!" You rushed her out of the room so you could get dressed. After you were dressed, you ate your breakfast, but ended up being ready a bit... early. (Oh isn't that great?) You decided to practice playing guitar while you waited for Dawn to get dressed so you two could walk to school. Yup...walking. So uncool.

Dawn finished getting ready (Finally) and you two walked out the door. While walking in the hall, some random guy jumped in your face. "You can play guitar?" He asked you. "Uh, yeah." You gave him a puzzled expression. (Wow, everyone's confused in my stories) "But, you're a girl! It's rare to find girls that can play guitar!"

"No. Not really. Girls can do anything guys can do." You walk straight past him a brushed your hand through the air, gesturing for him to move along. "Well, yeah, but, it's still rare!" He says once more. "NO! IT'S NOT! WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS THINK THAT!?" You scream with all of your might and walk off to school.

----At The DWMA----

You walk into class and sit in your seat (Next to?), next to Tsubaki (Ha! Bet ya didn't expect that? What? You thought I was gonna make you sit next to Soul? Pfft!). "Hey, (Y/N)!" Soul called out. "Wanna sit next to me?" He gave you a toothy grin. You looked at Tsubaki, whom you had made good friends with on your first day. She had helped you around the school and introduced you to some of her friends. (You know? The usual gang. Maka, Kid, etc.) "Only if it's okay with Tsubaki!" You responded, waiting for Tsubaki to accept or decline your request. "Sure!" She gave you a warm, polite smile. "Thanks Tsubaki!" You hugged her and hopped up from your seat to sit next to Soul. (Okay...So maybe I was gonna make you sit next to Soul...)

You took your seat next to Soul and gave him a warm smile. "Hey! Did you hear that sweet guitar playing in the dorms this morning?" He asked, giving you yet another toothy grin. "Heard it? Well, of course I did. I was playing it for crying out loud!" You exclaimed, sending him back a toothy grin. (SO MUCH GRINNING!! I DON'T THINK I CAN DEAL WITH THIS RIGHT NOW!!)

"Wait, that was you?" He asked, shocked. "Yeah!" You replied. "That's so cool!" He brofisted (Pewds would be so prood) you. "Thanks! You're not so uncool yourself!" You smirked and turned to the front of the class as Professor Stein rolled into the classroom. (Which he hasn't gotten any better at)

"Hello, students!" He greeted, facing the ceiling as he opened up a textbook. (Typical Stein) "Can you guess what we're doing today?" He questioned the entire class. "Let me guess, dissection?" Soul blurted out. You then whispered something in Soul's ear. "Dissection?"

"Yup! Someone's been paying attention!" Stein sent Soul a mad smile. (Mad smile? Okay...I don't know if that made any sense...but...Whatever) "Okay...This guy scares me." You whispered once again into Soul's ear. "Meh, you get used to him after a while." He said, resting his elbows on the desk.


You grabbed your lunch and sat with Soul and the rest of the bunch. "So, (Y/N). I hear you play guitar." Maka stated, taking a bite of her lunch. "Oh! Yeah." You smiled and nodded. "You're really good at it! How'd you learn to play like that?" Soul asked. "I taught mys-"

Just before you could finish your sentence, the same guy from that morning interrupted you and jumped in your face. "Yeah, right! You're a girl! You couldn't have taught yourself how to play the guitar!" He sassed. (Sass....You're doing it wrong)

(Play Song Now! WOOH! PARTEH!)

"Why does everybody think that!? Can't you just accept the fact that I taught myself!?" You taunted. "Pfft! Whatever! I bet you convinced some guy to teach you by flashing them or somethin'!" Okay, that last comment, really made you angry. "First of all, just because a girl can play music doesn't mean they needed to show certain things to someone in order to learn how!" (Sass....You're doing it right)

"Second, why do you find it so hard to believe that I taught myself how to play!?" You questioned, your face blazing red from rage. (Me, playing Eternal Sonata trying to defeat a boss) "I'm just saying that women are supposed to be in the kitchen, not on stage rocking out." He said crossing his arms. That last comment. That was the one that began to anger the entire gang.

"Dude! That's so uncool!" Soul pointed out, gritting his teeth in anger. The sexist male still crossing his arms scoffed in disgust. "Whatever!" Her walked off and back to his table with his 'crew', whom were giving you a glare of a sore loser. "(Y/N): One. Sexist male: Zero, Zip, Zilch."


Sup Musical Notes! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Yesterday was Christmas, so....Yeah. But...I JUST FINISHED THE SECOND VOLUME OF SOUL EATER! (Teh Manga) I had already watched the full series, but the manga's different from the anime and is continued further. So....I decided to read it. I've read two of dem so far. I feel so prood. Are you prood of me? No? Okay. But I hope ya liked it! If not...I'm so sowwy! Don't kill meh. Kid's still angry that I puked on him. I don't need to be double killed. 0-0 But anyway, HUGZ!!! (>O.O)>


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