Chapter Eight: Oh Great...The Carousel

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(I'll say when to play the song)

You shot your eyes open as the terrifying sun's beams of light shined through your thin eyelids. Today was the day! The day of your date with Soul! Well, not really a date. It was just as friends. But you still got to hangout with Soul! WOOH! You hopped up out of bed and picked out an outfit to wear to the carnival. After getting dressed, you made your way to the kitchen for some breakfast. And after breakfast, you practiced guitar until it was 1:00, while Dawn sat on the couch reading her book.

At 1:00, you heard a knock on your door. Dawn looked up at you and you looked down at her. Dawn quickly hopped up out of her seat to get the door as you began putting your guitar away. "Y/N!" Dawn called out. "It's Soul!" A wide smile formed on your face as you ran to put on your converse and hoodie. You ran up to the door, still smiling like a maniac. 

"Ready to go?" Soul asked, his usual toothy smirk planted across his face. "Yup!" You said, sending him a toothy smirk back. Dawn leaned up against the door and gave you a look. 

"What is it now?" You asked her. "I wanna go to the carnival!" She whined. You sighed and looked up at Soul. He shrugged and said, "It's cool. She can come."

"Yay!" Dawn cheered, jumping up and down as she threw on her hoodie and converse. You guys all made your way out the door and off to the carnival.

----At the Carnival----

"This is so cool!" You exclaimed, observing the entire carnival. "Meh, I guess it's kinda cool." Soul responded. Dawn gasped. "Look!" She pointed to a nearby ride. "A ferris wheel!" (What? You think I was gonna say carousel this early in?)

"Cool." Soul said, smirking. "We should go on it!" Dawn encouraged. "Since when are you so cheery?" You asked her, raising a brow. She shrugged. "I just like carnivals."

You guys and the gang walked over to the ferris wheel and hopped onto a seat. Everything was going smoothly until Dawn and Soul started fighting over who was going to sit with you.

"I'm sitting with Y/N!" Soul shouted. "No! I am!" Dawn disagreed. "GUYS!" You shouted at them. "How about this, Dawn can sit with me on this ride, and the next one Soul can, and you guys can take turns, okay?" They both huffed, but agreed anyway. They knew not to argue with you.

Dawn placed herself next to you and Soul sat next to Black Star. "You know, if you wanted Soul to sit with you, you could've just said so." Dawn said, turning her head in your direction as the ride started. "No, it's fine. I wanted to sit with my best friend." You sent her a toothy smile. "Alright."


After tons of rides and games, it was getting dark, and there was one more ride that you hadn't been on yet: the carousel.

"Hey Y/N. We Haven't been on the carousel yet." Maka said, pointing to the ride to the right of you guys. "Let's go!" Dawn shouted, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the carousel. She threw you onto a horse and sat on the one beside you. Soul was two horses in front of you, which made you kind of sad, but you did say that they could take turns to sit next to you, and it was Dawn's.

(Play song now)

The ride started, and you kept your eye on Soul the entire time. But every time you'd catch sight of him, he disappeared. Great. This was one of the things you hated about the carousel. It went around and around and around. And every time you see something in front of you, it was no longer there. It had already took a left turn. Ugh. 

After the ride, you huffed. "What's wrong?" Dawn asked, concerned. "Nothing, just tired." You fibbed. You saw Soul approaching you. "That I guess." He said, seeming unsure.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm exhausted!" You yawned. "Let's head home." Dawn suggested. "Alright. See you guys later!" You said your farewells to the gang and walked home.


Hey Musical Notes! So sorry for not updating. I'm not gonna give any excuses. But I hope you can forgive me. I'm going to try to get some more chapters out soon. Keyword: try

Hope you enjoyed though! Cya!


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