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     Shadekit squealed in excitement as he pounced on his calm brother, Mosskit. Mosskit gave a playful hiss and prodded his paw against his brother's ear.

     "Bet you can't be as good a warrior I will be, Mosskit!" Shadekit teased.

     "I will be a good warrior too!" Mosskit mewed. The kit pounced back on Shadekit, pinning him down, but not for long.

     Shadekit pushed Mosskit off of him, and jumped into battle position. "Look out, GloomClan is coming!" 

     Mosskit narrowed his eyes and smiled, ready for the pretend battle against his "GloomClan" brother. The two gave power to their hind legs, and jumped onto each other. Shadekit winning by weight, and pinning Mosskit down successfully.

     "See? Told you I'd make a good warrior!" Shadekit gleamed.

     A calico she-cat came over with a gentle smile,"Now, now, young ones, you'll both be fine warriors. No need to tease each other over it."

     Mosskit looked at the she-cat calmly, then smiled,"But Spottedleaf!... We all know I'll be better!" He chuckled.

     "No! I'll be the best!" Shadekit glared at his brother seriously.

     Spottedleaf sighed, kits these days, always into who will be better! she laughed a little bit, and looked at the kits,"You should probably head out into the clearing with your parents, something exciting is happening soon!" Spottedleaf smiled, and walked away to begin sorting the herbs with Hollyherb.


     The two kits snuggled against their parents as they thought about who they wanted their mentors to be.

     "I want Longpelt," Mosskit whispered excitedly,"She seems so fun and bright!"

     "I want Firestorm, he's so brave and loyal, I want to be like him!" Shadekit whispered back.

     Tigerpelt overheard his two sons telling each other what they want, and wrapped his tail around them,"You know, being a good warrior depends on your mentor. Sometimes the mentor you want, won't be the best choice, but the leader knows the best cat for you both."

      Jaywhisker twitched her ear and added in,"I'm proud of you my sons, and I know Sparkkit would be proud of you too!"*

*Sparkkit is Mosskit's and Shadekit's sister, that was born alive for 2 moons, her eyes finally opened on the day she would die due to weakness. Sparkkit now lives happily in StarClan, watching over her family.

     Crowstar scrabbled up to the High-Branch (where meetings were announced), and yelled out for all to hear,"All cats old enough to hunt for themselves gather beneath the High-Branch for a Clan meeting!"

     The fellow cats of LightningClan gathered, as instructed, and waited to see what was to happen.

     "Shadekit, Mosskit, Mudkit, and Blossomkit, come below the High-Branch." As he said this, Crowstar carefully made his way down to meet the matured kits.

     The leader looked at Blossomkit first,"Blossomkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Blossompaw. Your mentor will be Yin. I trust that Yin will pass down all she knows to you."

     Blossompaw nodded excitedly and waited for Yin to become her official mentor.

     "Yin, step up please," Crowstar beckoned with his tail.

     Yin gracefully walked over to the leader, the look of loyalty in her eyes, and a grand smile that she was known for.

     Crowstar spoke,"Yin, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from me and you have shown yourself to be graceful and strong. You will be the mentor of Blossompaw, and I expect that you pass down all you know to her."

     Yin nodded,"I respect your choice of me being mentor for young Blossompaw. I will pass down all I know to her, and to protect her with my life. I promise she will become a great warrior in your Clan."

    The black and white marked she-cat touched her muzzle to Blossompaw's, it was the moment of peace that silenced the Clan, the time for more warriors has come.

     The cats were all about to cheer, but Crowstar raised his tail for silence,"We will announce the apprenticeship and mentors of the other three." The Clan smiled, knowing now there will be more warriors added to their family.


     The ceremonies went perfect, no flaws, no mishaps, and everyone was proud and cheering.

     "Blossompaw! Mudpaw! Shadepaw! Mosspaw!" They all sang repetitively.

     The apprentices felt a feeling they couldn't quite identify, whether is was pride, or power they felt, they weren't so sure. The fact they had reached a new level brightened their mood, the fact they would be a great addition to the Clan made them happy, and their mentors had been well picked.

     Blossompaw went off to explore the territory with Yin, whilst Mudpaw went to tell Echofur all about his new mentor, Jaywhisker. Shadepaw and Mosspaw both told father about Yang and Sandcloud.*

     *If you are getting confused with all these names, I suggest you visit LightningClan's allegiances again.

     The day ended with a small breeze, and a dark night, all the apprentices stayed up late, talking about their mentors, and finally drifted off into sleep, along with everyone else.

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