Chapter 14

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   The sun was rising, marking the beginning of the thirteenth day of his training. He had taken no pit-stops on the way to the fourth island. His legs ached and he was tired, but he had to make it back soon. And he planned to make it back with Echodusk.

   Echodusk was still in the water, he would be a terrible mate - leaving her behind like this - but he loved her, and that was as much as he could give her right now. 

   Shadepaw looked around and parted his jaws, the air reeked of vole - he must be close to one. He turned his head, and spotted movement among the grass. His ears pressed back, and tail low to the ground, he dropped into a hunting crouch where he steadily and slowly inched forward. As the vole came into view, it was clear it was scrambling around searching for food. It stopped as it stuck it's face in a mouse burrow. Shadepaw took this as his chance and jumped. His hind legs twisted awkwardly and landed on the vole's haunches, but he dipped down swiftly and gave it a killing bite.

   Shadepaw buried the vole and stalked somewhere else, aiming to find smaller prey for Echodusk. He walked into an area with some trees, and parted his jaws. He picked up the scent of mouse. Shadepaw quickly found it nibbling on a nut next to one of the trees. Since he was close enough, he spent no time stalking it and just leaped. This time landing on it's back. A snapping sound told Shadepaw that it's spine had broke.

   The young tom picked up the mouse and trotted over to where he buried the vole. He dug it up and picked that up too. His mouth full of prey, he went back to the edge of the island and dropped the prey. He noticed Echodusk was closer to the island then she was earlier. She'd reach it in a couple of minutes. 

   Shadepaw patiently waited and thought about how impressed Branch would be when he came back. Would he be impressed? Or disappointed Shadepaw didn't come back earlier? The thought of making Branch disappointed brought him back to Echodusk, who had just finished walking up to him.

   "Eat up, we need to be on our way," Shadepaw urged her.

   Echodusk didn't touch the mouse that he pushed forward, instead she flopped down on her side, flanks heaving. She didn't speak, and made no movements except for the rise of her flanks, and the twitch of her tail.

   Worried, Shadepaw pushed the mouse closer to her, "Eat.. You need your strength for the way back."

   "Shadepaw," Her words came before and after quick, short breaths, "I need to rest for a while," She continued, "I'm too tired."

   Shadepaw's ears turned flat, "But I need to go to Branch! I've only two days!"

   Echodusk weakly sat up, her breathing was close to normal again, "You've been pushing me too much! I'm not as strong or as fast as you are, and you've been pushing me so I can barely breath!"

   The tom's heart instantly sank, he'd been going too far with her. He would stay here and rest with Echodusk, and they'd be back out by sunset.

   He prodded the mouse in front of her, then slowly bent down to eat his vole. The vole was only bones when he laid down. His body in a ball, tail wrapped over his nose, and his head on his paws. Shadepaw enjoyed the warmth of the day's sun, and closed his eyes.


   Shadepaw's eyes flickered open to see the sun starting to set. He'd slept the perfect amount of time. The tom was about to get up when he noticed Echodusk was sleeping soundly next to him. He purred at the sight of how peacefully she slept, and hated himself for needing to wake her up.

   Shadepaw slowly got to his paws, and arched his back. His limbs were still a little sore, but he'd make it back.

    He gently dropped a paw over Echodusk's ear, "Wake up."

   A small purr sounded from her throat, "Already?"

   Shadepaw laughed, "Yes, already. We need to make it back to Branch."

    Echodusk slowly lifted her head, "Can we stop by the third island? I want to visit my friends."

   Shadepaw sighed, it would only put a delay to his return, but he supposed he could stop by the third island, "Sure, okay."

   The she-cat jumped to her paws, "Okay!" Echodusk ran over to the edge of the water, "Ready?"

   Thrilled to see her energetic again, Shadepaw ran over next to her and jumped in - splashing her with water.

   "Hey!" She chuckled and jumped in, quickly paddling next to him.

   Shadepaw quickly swam, he would get there quickly, let Echodusk say her goodbyes, and then they'd get back by sunhigh tomorrow..

   He gulped.. would they?

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