Chapter Twenty

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Hey! This chapter is in celebration of 800+ reads! I can't believe it! S/o and tons of thanks to Lovinbball for her idea! Happy reading!


Blake and Kieran had gone home a few days after I had been released from the police and kidnap fiasco. Blake had The Finals to compete in still, and I figured that it would be safest for Kieran to get out of Oklahoma. I stayed for another week, while the ring leaders of the trafficking ring were put on trial. It had been exhausting to have to relive everything over and over.

"Flight 704 to California, now boarding." I stood up with my carry on, and got on line to have my ticket scanned. The attendant smiled and handed me back the ticket.

"Have a nice flight."

"Thank you." I boarded the plane, and sat down in my seat. Next to me was a woman who looked familiar, but I wasn't able to place her image. I pulled out my phone, and smiled at the text Blake had sent me.

Have a safe flight. We miss you and can't wait to see you in a few hours!!!! :)

I turned my phone onto airplane mode, and the flight attendants came around telling us to turn off all electronics and where to find flotation devices and oxygen if something went wrong. We weren't even flying over any water, but okay, whatever. I sat there awkwardly while the plane was taxied on the runway. The woman turned to me.

"Hi! I'm Julia! What's your name?"

"Riley." I smiled at her.

"You look familiar. Have we met?"

"No," I sighed.

"You might know me from seeing my face all over the media and tabloids. My fiancé is Blake Griffin."

I saw a glint in her eye, and she stiffened for a minute before covering it up.

"Oh. That must be terrible!"

I nodded. We talked the rest of the flight, and traded numbers. Finally, we landed in Cali. We split up at the end of the tunnel, and I hugged her before running off to baggage claim where I would meet Blake and Kieran. Blake was waiting there, Kieran on his hip and pointing at me while I ran to them, my legs not carrying me fast enough. Media surrounded the doors of LAX, flashes going off inside and outside of the airport at us. I crashed into Blake, and his lips met mine, while he held onto my waist with one hand.

We pulled away when Kieran pulled on my hair.

"Mommy missed you!" I took our son from Blake, and kissed his chubby cheeks repeatedly.

"Miss you too Momma."

"I missed you too." Blake smirked, pulling me into his chest. There was a buzzing before the baggage claim started with the bags. Blake released me, taking my bag for me. His big hand intertwined with mine after I had slipped on sunglasses to shade me from the paparazzi. Blake had worn sunglasses and a snapback, and so did Kieran. He was the spitting image of Blake which was the cutest thing I had ever seen. We battled our way out, with ridiculous things being screamed at us.

"Riley is it true that you're pregnant and its not Blake's?"


"Is it true that you ran away from Blake and his roid rage?"


"Blake, are you going to choke like you did last game?"

What game were you watching?

"Blake, is it true that you're getting married?"


We made it to the car and I got in the back with Kieran, putting him into his seat. It took me a moment to get Kieran's small fists to let go of my shirt. The car was rocked violently when Blake slammed his door. He revved the engine, and everyone started to move out of our way. I didn't say anything until we hit the freeway.

"I don't think we'll ever get used to that."

Blake met my eyes in the rearview mirror.

"I'm still not used to it. I'm really not that interesting."

"It's okay, you're pretty." He laughed at me.

"What do you want for dinner, babe?"

"Why don't you stop in a diner, and we'll grab stuff there?..."

"Sounds good."

I tickled Kieran, and his laugh filled the car. I started to laugh too, from the joy Kieran was emitting at the moment.

"When are we getting married?" I wondered.

"Whenever you want. I told you that, baby." He smiled at me in the rearview mirror.

I smiled as we pulled into the quaint diner.

"Do you think we can pull a wedding together by August?"

"I think you can do anything."

Blake came around the front of the car as we walked into the establishment. He pecked my lips, and lead us inside. We were seated, and our waiter was eye raping Blake.

"What can I get for you three?" He batted his eyes at Blake. The look on Blake's face was priceless, and I tried to contain my laughter.

"I'll have water." I rushed out quickly.

"He'll have milk in a sippy cup." I motioned to Kieran.

He nodded, jotting down the order while Blake mumbled,

"I'll have what she's having."

He walked away, and I burst into laughter. I calmed down, and turned back to Blake.

"We need a wedding planner. We also need to pick colors, flowers, a cake, a venue, draw up a guest list, pick the bridal party, pick a date, rent tuxes, buy a dress, work out the ceremony, hotel arrangements, honeymoon arrangements..."

"Let's start with the date. How's August 8th?" He asked.

"That's perfect. I like darker colors like maybe a blood red or maroon color with black?" I suggested.

"Okay. What flowers do you want? This is all up to you." He smiled at me.

I blushed.

"I want roses."

He took my hand across the small booth we were seated at.

"I don't care how much it costs. I want you to get whatever makes you happy."

I melted internally.

"I love you so much Blake."

"That's why we're getting married, isn't it?" His thumb ran over my engagement ring.

Kieran slammed his fist down on the table, and I opened up the crayons he had been given. He picked up the red, and began to scribble all over the placemat. I picked up the menu and picked out what I would get along with Kieran's order. We placed our orders, and I picked my phone up, texting Julia. She was really excited for the wedding.

"Blake, how many groomsmen are you going to have?"

"Well," he thought, "there's DJ, Chris (Paul), Matt (Barnes), Jamal (Crawford), Willie (Green), Taylor, Al (Thornton), Eric (Gordon), Baron (Davis), and Chris (Kaman)."

"Ok. So then my bridesmaids will be Julia, Jada, Marieka, and then the wives of Matt, Jamal, Willie, Al, Eric, Baron, and Chris."

I typed everything we had discussed into my phone, so we didn't forget it. I looked up a wedding planner, as well. Tomorrow, I would be calling Aly Romano, wedding extraordinaire.


Hey again! Vote/comment and ill update quicker!

Thank you for reading!

- anotherbgfanfic

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