Chapter 2

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Though the insistent buzzing of your phone isn't exactly the way you wanted to be woken up, it just so happens to be. You roll over with a groan, absent mindedly swiping at the answer button.

"Hello?" you mutter sleepily into the phone. A quick glance at the clock tells you that you slept in until 1 o' clock in the afternoon. Honestly though, when you reach your small studio apartment at four in the morning, and don't hit the bed until 4:30, you decide not to blame yourself.

"Rise and shine, (f/n)!" says the chipper voice on the other end of the line. Ah, Hanji, coworker and personal friend of yours. The only reason you got a job at the bar so soon after your 21st birthday. You're even proud to say you haven't given Erwin a reason to fire you! That in and of itself was an achievement.

"Mornin' Hanji."

"It's afternoon, (f/n)."

"Yea, something like that..." you trail off. Your eyes end up wandering towards the window. What a beautiful day. The sun is shining, birds are singing... Wait no. This is Seattle we're talking about. In December no less. Icy frost covers your window, while sleet falls from the sky. Typical.

"... And then I figured we could go get some dinner. I've missed you so much, (f/n)! I, uh... (f/n)...? You there?" Hanji's voice grows quieter, gaining your attention. It wasn't that she's loud per say, but she isn't exactly quiet either.

"Yea, sorry... How was... where ever the fuck you went?" you ask. She'd been gone for the last two weeks, on some science-y expedition. When she wasn't at the bar, she was assisting some fancy biology dude, studying some kind of squid? Colossal, maybe? You could never remember.

"It was great! We didn't find anything... but the trip itself was fun, and we did find evidence of..." you've toned her out again. God, why was it so hard to wake up today?

"Hanji, what do ya say I take a shower, get ready, then you can meet me here in... let's say an hour?" you offer. She excitedly accepts and hangs up. Well, looks like you have plans now. You throw your thin blankets off your body, immediately getting goosebumps from the frigid air. You swear you've had relationships more reliable than your air conditioner, and that's really saying something. You head to your small bathroom, and turn on the shower. You're greeted by water thats about as cold as your apartment and sigh. Yep, the city is where dreams come true.


You stare at your now dry (h/c) hair. What to do with it? To hat or not to hat? You pull out your phone, check the temperature outside, and decide a beanie is, in fact, appropriate for the situation. You throw on comfortably warm clothes and check the time. Hanji should be here any mi- Oh wait, was that a knock at the door? You stride over to your door, but it's already open and Hanji is leaning in for a hug. You return the hug and smile.

"Friend, ya gotta stop just walking in to my place." you chide. She smirks.

"Well maybe you should get that lock fixed, (f/n)." Touché, Hanji. You roll your eyes and grab your purse.

"So, where we heading?" you ask as you two walk down the stairs. So many stairs. Your legs will thank you one day.

"I thought you'd figured that out already?" she laughs. You mutter a soft 'oh'. "Coffee good?"

"Sounds good."


You and Hanji walk into the cafe. The smell of coffee and lavender hit your nose. You wouldn't call yourself a regular here but...

"Hey! (F/n)!"

Ok, maybe you would. You lean on the counter as Hanji stares at the menu. She never knows what to get. Instead, you direct your attention towards Eren.

"The usual?" he asks. You glance at the menu quickly, then shake your head.

"Nah, lets mix it up... what do you recommend?"

"Get the snowberry tea! It's a bit more expensive but you'll love it, promise!" Armin calls from further behind the counter. You trust his judgement.

"Alright, gimme that." you say. A glance at Hanji implies you need to take things into your own hands. "Make that two."

Eren nods and goes to make your drinks. A quick movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention. Oh god, is that Mikasa? Oh jeez, it is. Eren's adopted sister recently started working here. You still haven't decide if you want her or just wanted to be her. Either way, she intimidated you, and you have yet to actually hold a conversation with her. Oh shit, she caught you staring. You quickly look away, but you swear you see her smile. Well shit, she's nice too. Maybe one day you'll muster the courage to talk to her, but for now Eren's snapping gains your attention, and he chuckles as he hands you your drinks. Oh Eren, so young and full of hope. You could say the same about half your friend group. The younger half that is. The half thats just starting college. The other half were at least seven years older. You glance at Hanji and realize you still act older than some of them. You hand her one of the drinks and her eyes light up.

"For me? What is it?" she takes a sip. "Never mind, I don't care. It's great!" You hear a faint 'Told ya so' from the back room as you take a sip. Armin is always right. You pay for your drinks, and wave to Eren as you leave. You nearly loose your footing as you step out onto the iced over sidewalk. Did Hanji see that? You think she did.

"So, um... library? There's a new book out I have got to read." you say excitedly, trying to divert her attention from your clumsiness. Hanji nods, too invested in her drink to actually answer.


"How's my favorite librarian?" you sneer. You're still not over Jean leaving you last night. Asshole. How did you become friends with him again? Doesn't matter, you decide. He doesn't respond, instead he smirks and hands you the book you've been raving about for at least a month. Oh right, that's why.

"Am I forgiven?" he asks. You nod and take the book from him. Nothing like a good murder mystery. You really need to see if the main character survived being shot.

"Held the last copy for ya," he says. Definitely forgiven. "Oh one more thing?"


"The dude you were totally eyefucking last night is talking to your friend over there. He's been here like... half an hour now?" he monotones. Never mind. Definitely not forgiven.

Author's note: wow I was actually motivated enough to write a second chapter. Umm,,, thanks for reading. If you like it I'd really love if you'd vote and maybe comment? Thanks friends

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