Chapter 3

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"Jean, you ass. Let me out through the back." you hiss. That earns you a laugh.

"Awww, is (f/n) shy?" he mocks. You're 100% sure you're ready to strangle him. It's easiest just to say your relationship with Jean is... interesting. He's your best friend one moment, and the next, you want to piss on his grave. Maybe you were a bit harsh sometimes, but he was an ass and he totally deserved the smack you just gave him.

"Ow! What the fuck? Fine, go through the back." he groans. You're about to make your grand escape, when Hanji calls your name. Of course. Apparently the universe is out to get you. It's your destiny to endure another awkward conversation with Mr. Not-so-tall, dark, and handsome. Great. Oh well, time to suck it up. You smile thinly at Hanji and make your way towards them.

"(F/n)! Have you met Levi?" she asks excitedly. You suddenly feel self conscious. He's glaring at you. Or maybe that's just his face. Either way, he's definitely intimidating.

"Not formally..." you whisper. Hanji's face lights up.

"Wonderful! I get to introduce you! (F/n), this is Levi Ackerman. Levi, this is (f/n)(l/n)." she sounds absolutely delighted. She must've been really excited to introduce the two of you. The name Ackerman sounds oddly familiar, you realize suddenly. You look up at him.

"Charmed." His tone is sincere, but his face screams 'boredom'. Like he's gone through this same motion time and time again.

"Nice to meet you." you say. You hope you don't sound as nervous as you feel. You hadn't felt so uneasy due to another person in years, why now? Your eyes wander to Jean, who gives you a thumbs up. You laugh internally and turn your attention back towards Hanji.

"So... how do you two know each other?" you ask her.

"Ah! We all went to high school together!"


"Me, Erwin, and Levi here!" she says, pulling Levi into a one armed hug. He quickly pushes her off, but there's definitely a smirk on his face.

"Hands off, Shitty glasses."

"Awww Levi." Hanji whines. "Anyways. Levi and Erwin even went to college together. Levi's in town for... Levi? Why are you in town? Is it because...?" Her question lingers in the air and she looks at Levi uneasily. You take that as your cue to leave. With a quick nod to Hanji, you walk back over to Jean.

"Aw, (f/n). You didn't cry. I'm so proud." he teases.

"Yo, go fuck yourself." you laugh. Now that you're not directly involved in the conversation, you can assess what's going on. Hanji looks almost... sad? And Levi... you can't read him. But the conversation is urgent and hushed. You know it's none of your business, but you can't help but wonder. Speaking of wondering, there's still a part of you feels there's something familiar about the name 'Ackerman'.


"What's up?"

"Who is Levi?"

Silence. Then laughter.

"You're fucking kidding, right (f/n)?"

Well, you're baffled. So he is somebody. Now you gotta know.

"No? Who is he?"

"Ackerman? Dude, his family is rich as fuck. Ya know, one of those people who you know is rich, but you're not really sure why? Kinda like Trump, but less awful. Unless you hate capitalism..." Jean's rambling. He thinks he's funny. Poor Jean. But he's right, the Ackermans are well known. You mentally scold yourself for taking so long to make the connection. This new, not so new, information leads you to wonder, what is he doing here? Yea, Seattle is a city, but... Who knows. You'll ask Hanji later. Speaking of Hanji, it seems her and Levi left. You sigh.

"Jean, I'm checking out my book, then I'm going home. Tell Marco I say hi when you get home." you say. He nods and you check out your book. Time to go home. God you need a drink.


"I should really just get you your own key." Erwin says as he unlocks the door to the bar. You two walk in together and he immediately heads towards the back room. Its sad almost. It seems he's more and more stressed every time you see him. You almost feel bad. Could it have something to do with Levi? You aren't given time to wonder, as customers start entering the bar.


It's about three hours into your shift when Erwin walks up to you and says he'll take over if you want to take a break. You happily oblige and make your way towards the rest room. Once the door is closed, you take a moment just to breathe. (E/c) eyes stare back at you in the mirror. They're slightly sunken in, you notice, likely from lack of sleep. You smooth out your black vest and adjust the small bowtie around your neck. Fuckin stereotypical uniform. Oh well. You need to be getting back. You leave the bathroom and go back to the bar, only to be greeted by Levi's presence. And of course, Erwin is gone. How irritatingly convenient. Well, you can't leave him sitting there.

"What'll it be?" you ask. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you have a feeling this won't be the last time you say this to him.

"Scotch." he replies. At least he's consistent. You hand him his drink and go to busy yourself with something else. There are glasses to be cleaned, so those will do. As you gently wipe the glass though, you can't help but glance over at him. You observe the way he sips at his drink with a far off look in his eyes. He looks tired.

"Oi, miss!" you hear from one of the tables. Your attention is torn from your thoughts. Someone was bound to need you soon anyways. You make your way over to the table.

"So, my buddy and I here just wanted to know what you were up to after work this evening?" the man begins. Oh great.

"A friend and I are going out. I'm real sorry!" you say with a polite smile. Hopefully they'll let up.

"Oh? Maybe you and your friend could abandon those plans and come have a bit of fun with us? How's that sound, love?"

"Oh, I don't think so. My friend, well, he's not much of a people person, you see..." you internally smirk as their faces fall upon hearing the word 'he' leave your mouth. Works every time.

"I see. We're done here." he says to his friend. They toss a bunch of bills on the table and leave. "Fucking bitch." one of them mutters as they walk away.

'Well fuck you too.' you think to yourself as you pick up their barely emptied glasses. 'Entitled assfucks'. You're walking over towards the bar, lost in thought, when you bump into someone. Alcohol spills all over you and the person, and you drop one of the glasses on your foot.

"Fucking shit! Fuck, sorry!" you curse as you bend down to pick up the glass. "Just gimme a sec I'll get you a towel, god I'm so fucking so-" Oh. As soon as your mind registers who you just spilled gross ass beer all over, you freeze. Of fucking course it had to be Levi of all people. You feel your face flush and you start to do the only thing you can think to do. And that's ramble.

"Oh fuck. Fuck I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and oh shit I screwed up. Fuck Levi, I really didn't me-"

"Please just shut the fuck up and get me a towel, brat. It's not the end of the world."

"Ah... of course. Sorry!" you rush behind the counter and get him a towel. Instead of heading towards the bathroom, or even leaving, he walks towards the back room. "I uh, I'm not sure if you-" you begin quietly. His glare stops that sentence dead in it's tracks. You've decided this night sucks ass. With a resigned sigh, you go to clean yourself and the mess you've made.

Author's note: Listen listen, the fact that I've written three chapters in a day is a miracle. Thank theunknowndepths for peer pressuring me into writing. Um,,, as usual, vote, comment, all that fun shit. Thanks for reading

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