Chapter 9

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"What have I done?" you whisper into the bottle of... God knows what at this point, that Jean had gotten you. The alcohol clouding your brain and the broken air conditioning were beginning to make for a lovely Christmas Eve.

After getting home last night, you sat on your bed for at least an hour, mulling over your feelings. On one hand, you felt bad that you hurt Hanji, especially when it seemed she was just trying to help, but on the other, you were angry. She had demanded you stay away from someone without even a little bit of explaination. Now though, as you sit on your torn up couch in the freezing cold, nursing a bottle of wine like your life depends on it, you feel nothing but grief.

How did you end up here? After downing a fourth of a bottle already, you can only vaguely remember lounging around your apartment all day until the bottle caught your eye.

A knock at the door barely registers in your mind, but when you hear the voice behind it saying your name, you go to answer. A part of you hopes it Hanji, but even drunk you knows not to get her hopes up.

"Oh... Levi," you trail off. You never in a million years thought that you'd be disappointed to see him, but somehow you are.

"Looks like you started the party without me," he says with a light laugh. You squint at the bright light of the hallway behind him and step aside so he can enter.

"Without you... shit, were we supposed to meet or...?"

"No. Heard about your little... fight with Hanji. Figured you might be a bit lonely," he tells you. You think you see his breath, but your apartment couldn't be that cold, could it?

"Thanks, I guess... What do you suggest we do?"

Levi glances around the apartment. His eyes land on the bottle of wine that you were practically glued to not five minutes ago.

"First, let's get the fuck out of here before we freeze to death, then I attempt to sober you up,"

"Why would you wanna do that?"

"Because I don't feel like hanging out with a whiny brat who keeps tripping over herself,"

You open your mouth to protest, but instead you nod your head in agreement. Normally, you were a happy drunk, but not this time.

"You've got ten minutes to clean yourself up, then I'm leaving. Otherwise I'll die of hypothermia," he mutters the last part just loud enough to hear.

"Aren't you the same guy who escorted me to my house in thirty degree weather without a jacket, then claimed you weren't cold...?" you ask. He scowls slightly.

"Go get ready, you little shit,"

You smile for the first time all day.

* * *

You follow Levi down the stairs of your apartment, feeling refreshed, and maybe even a bit more sober. It's amazing what a can of dry shampoo and clean clothes can do. At least you can say Levi has seen you at your worst and stayed.

You and Levi step into the cold air and are greeted with a fancy car. Like a mini limo. Something like that. Either way, you turn to Levi and cock an eyebrow.

"This for us?" You ask.

"No, it's for the fucking pope." he deadpans. Point taken. The same girl from last night steps out of the back of the car and holds the door open for the two of you.

"Thank you, Petra," Levi says as he gets in. You echo him as you follow. You feel too casually dressed now as you sit next to him, though he's dressed pretty casually too. Who knew Levi looks good in a flannel? Petra closed you door behind her and takes a seat across from you two. Suddenly, you feel a tiny bit defensive. You can't help it. She's gorgeous. Her hair frames her face perfectly and her eyes are the color of honey. Would it be cliché to wonder if Levi has fucked his assistant? Probably.

The car begins foward, and you briefly wonder who's driving. The thought passes quickly though as you turn your attention towards Petra, who's started to talk to you.

"So, Miss (Y/n) was it? I'm glad to finally be officially meeting you. We haven't really gotten to talk the few times we've been in each other's presence. My name is Petra Ral," she says with a smile and an offering of her hand. You smile back and take it.

"(F/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you,"

The rest of the ride is spent making polite conversation. You somehow end up on the subject of the south, as it turns out she's from there too. She met Levi sometime in between graduating law school and deciding she hated being a lawyer, and accepted his offer to hire her.

"I'm much happier being his assistant. I'm basically being paid to be his friend at this point," she laughs.

"Suck up," Levi mutters. You realize that at some point during your conversation with Petra, his arm had ended up wrapped around your waist. How had he managed that without you noticing?

The car slows to a stop in front of a tall building. You, Petra, and Levi get out of the car and into the building. One short elevator ride later, and the three of you are inside one of the most beautiful rooms you've ever seen. It looks straight out of a movie. The first thing you notice are the windows, which give you a beautiful view of the city. It takes your breath away.

"You live here?" you ask. Levi smirks.


You give him the side eye. Rich people. He just laughs.

"So," you begin, "care to show me around?"

Levi snakes his arm around your waist again and pulls you close.


Author's note: aye look i finally got internet to post this lmao

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