Chapter 6

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Another night of work is coming to an end as Hanji throws an arm around your shoulder.

"Another good night, (F/n)!" she says. You nod in her direction and smile.

"Yea... I agree," is your lazy reply. Your thoughts still linger on that night a week ago as you clean the bar. You've always considered yourself to be a bit of a hopeless romantic, but this is ridiculous. You spent your whole night, hell, every night this week glancing up at the door hoping he'd come in. Your imagination got the best of you. He isn't some knight in shining armor, just some guy. Some guy who you know next to nothing about. But still, no matter how often you told yourself this, you couldn't help but hope he'd come back and ask you to dinner or something of that nature. He hadn't though. Maybe it's time to grow up.

"What are you thinking about?" Hanji asks quietly, lightly placing a hand on your shoulder. You scrub harder at a particularly stubborn spot.

"Ah... nothing, really!" you say with a fake grin. You begin to tidy up, rearranging bottles of gin and other drinks. She gives you that look. That look she gives when she's studying you, looking for answers. She's always looking for answers. Then, she smiles.

"It's Levi, isn't it?" she asks with a laugh. Your mouth opens slightly to say something, but you make no sound. It's far from surprising that she was able to figure you out. You're an open book, and she's smart as a whip. So, instead of denying her accusation, you simply nod.

"You never really told me how that night went," she says. Your lips twitch into a smile. She's trying so hard to play it cool, but the curiosity on her face is obvious.

"It was nice. Mainly just walking and sitting. He's not much of a talker," you say. Hanji is starting towards the door. You follow, deciding the place is sufficiently clean.

"He's never been a man of many words..." she says, her voice growing quiet. You glance at her. She looks... worried? Yes, that's definitely worry tracing her features. She locks the door behind her with a click then turns to her. Her eyes are serious.

"Listen, (F/n). I know I've been pretty pushy about you two getting to know each other but... you know that I'm a bit more than well known for being impulsive, bad judgement and all..."

You cock an eyebrow at her, still not sure what she's getting at. You've never seen her look like this. Its worry mixed with shame. Why?

"All I'm saying is, maybe you shouldn't get to know Levi. It's been a while since I've seen him and I thought maybe he had changed but... old habits die hard," she sighs. Dramatic monologue over, Hanji gets into her car. She gives you one last thin smile before starting it and driving off, leaving you in the cold. Light snowflakes begin to dapple your vision as you start down the sidewalk. What was that all about? You'd have to ask for an explaination tomorrow, but for now you're focused on getting home. The street next to you is busy with late night traffic. The stairs to the subway grow bigger in your line of sight. All is normal.


Your apartment is just as cold inside as it is outside, you realize. It's really time you moved, but you told yourself you'd wait at least a few more months, just to make sure your current job was stable. With an internal sigh, you toss your keys onto the old coffee table and head to your room. Before you hit the hall, you eyes ghost towards the clock. Two am. Cool.


Considering it's only a week until Christmas, the bar actually looks kind of... pathetic? The only people in front of you all look lonely and tired. In the corner, you see a man desperately trying to wipe lipstick off his neck, while at the same time adjusting his collar. On the opposite side of the room, you see a dull eyed regular nursing a bottle. It stirs a gratefulness inside you. You're luckier than them at least.

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