Chapter 1

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Yet another car zooms by that, in fact, isn't your bosses. You can feel your lungs practically screaming for help as the stranger next to you blows another cloud of smoke. When paired with the cold December air, cigarette smoke is the last thing you want to be inhaling. He shifts slightly, causing your eyes wander over to him. He's been waiting here for almost as long as you have, but at least you have a reason to be here. You mentally scold yourself for showing up to work early as you glance down at your phone. Wait, you're not early, Erwin is just late. Again. Another car drives by, the wind blows another puff of smoke in your direction. Your poor lungs. What's his deal anyways? The other customers had the decency to at least stay in their cars, but no, he had to wait by the door, and more importantly by you. Maybe you should just leave. You let out a barely audible sigh. Money, the bane of your existence... You're just about to text Erwin when his car pulls up. So kind of him to show up. You hear his car door shut and you put your phone in your pocket. He gives you an apologetic smile as he walks up to you. His eyes land on the stranger next to you and that smile falls, and perhaps it's just the lighting, but he seems a bit paler than normal. You smirk a little. You'd never seen one of his famous smiles just die like that.

"(F/n), open up for me, please." Erwin says, handing you the keys. You nod quickly, and go in. The smell of smoke is quickly replaced by the smell of alcohol, but at least the alcohol smell was familiar, pleasant even. The bar had a calm feel to it that made you instantly feel better. You set the keys in the back room and walked over to the bar. Now all that was left was getting the place ready for customers.


Lights on, bar wiped down, sign on. You were open for business. You glanced down at your phone. Erwin and the man who almost killed your poor lungs had been outside for almost twenty minutes now. Insane bastards, its like ten degrees out. Oh well, you've customers to serve. Five minutes into opening and the place is already kinda steady. Looks like you have a bit of actual work to do tonight.


"Aye, (l/n)!" Jean calls as he walks in. You give your friend a quick wave of acknowledgement, then turn your attention once again to your phone. It's been an hour, and frankly, you're starting to worry for your boss' safety.

"Hello? Anybody in there?" Marco's teasing voice snaps you back into reality. You smile apologetically. Looks like you had visitors.

"Hey, sorry. Whatcha want, guys?"

"Shot of Jack." Jean says lazily.

"Marco?" You ask as you turn to make Jean's drink. You curse under your breath when you find the bottle's empty. "Hold that thought!" You call over your shoulder to Marco as you head towards the back room. You hear him say something about having to drive Jean home before you disappear to get another bottle of whiskey. God you hate going in that cellar. It's damn creepy. You're happy to return to your friends, bottle in hand.

"So, what brings you here tonight?" You ask, sliding Jean his drink.

"Eh, felt like it." he replies nonchalantly. You glance at Marco, who smiles faintly and nods. It's time you pour yourself a drink and sit at the bar with them. The steady stream of people died rather quickly, probably because nobody drinks on a Tuesday. The only people left are you, your two friends, and the few lingering barflies who are seemingly always here. Soon, you're chatting idly with the guys, and an hour has passed. Man, you love Tuesdays.


"Slacking on the job, huh?" laughs Erwin, who evidently isn't dead. You laugh dryly and stand, only to find yourself face to face with the stranger from earlier. Huh, finally someone you're taller than. Or maybe not? You're wearing heels tonight, so who knows? He's dressed sharply, something you failed to notice outside. He almost seems out of place here, but at the same time he fits right in. Perhaps though, you should be less focused on how neatly his hair falls into place, and more focused on the fact that he looks rather annoyed, or maybe the fact that you've now been staring blankly at his steel grey eyes for more than five seconds. Well shit. You break eye contact as soon as you realize what you're doing and quickly return to your spot behind the bar. Erwin flashes you and quick smile, then retreats into his office. Thanks boss. The man, who you've decided has caused you too much trouble tonight, takes a seat at the bar. Great.

"Scotch." is all he says to you before he pulls out his phone and proceeds to ignore you. His voice surprises you a bit. It's deep, yet it seems to fit him in a way. You decide that you like the sound of it. With a nod, you quickly make his drink and set it in front of him. He gives a small nod of thanks, but nothing more. Feeling awkward, you turn your attention to Marco and Jean, who have been watching you with amused interest for the last five minutes now. Assholes.

"So, what are you two doing tomorrow?" you ask, desperate to spark some kind of conversation to fill the silence.

"Actually, I have work tomorrow. C'mon babe, we should probably get going, yea? See ya later, (f/n)" Jean says, putting his arm around Marco. He smirks at you while Marco smiles apologetically. You'd tell Jean to go fuck himself, but the other people in the bar prevent you from doing that. So instead, you mouth 'fuck you', which only earns you a laugh. You really can't win tonight, can you? Well, trying to spark a conversation with Mr. Terrifying can't hurt, you suppose.

"So uh... how do you know Erwin?" you ask. He is quiet for a moment, and you wonder if he even heard you.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry." So he did hear you. "We... have history. I wouldn't exactly it friendship but..." He laughs quietly. For a second, you think he actually looks... sad? Regretful?

"I see."

"Yea..." Before you can make any attempt at responding, he pulls out a wallet and leaves far too many bills on the counter. You open your mouth to say something as he stands, but he cuts you off.

"Keep it." he says with a wave of his hand. "And tell Erwin to call me tomorrow."

Author's note: Hey wow I wrote something. As said in the description, this is a gift fic for Jordan, aka theunknowndepths. I hope you enjoy it

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