Chapter 10

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"Y/n?" Levi's promting catches your attention.

"Hmm?" you idly answer. Your fingers grasp the delicate neck of a wine glass. Part of you wants to giggle, but you're also a little bit terrified. The couch you're on is a lovely cream color, while your wine is redder than blood. This all seems way too fancy. Especially for someone as clumsy as you.

"It's starting to get kinda late," Levi notifies you. A quick glance at the clock tells you it's nearing two in the morning. Where had the time gone? A tour of the condo and a few drinks had turned into a deep discussion of your past. Petra had left some time in the middle of your conversation, taking only half a second to shoot you a wink before leaving. Then it had just been the two of you. A slight twinge of annoyance shoots through you. You'd just managed to spend almost three hours telling him various details of your childhood, but got nothing out of him in return, despite your efforts. Was he really that good at steering the conversation away from himself? Evidently so.

"I don't feel like going home," you finally half yawn, half whine. Your words earn you an amused smirk.

"Cute. Really though, I can't have you hanging around all night," he responds. You pull your lips into a slight frown. The thought of having to be alone again immediately upsets you a bit.

"But I'm so much fun," you whine jokingly.


And with that, Levi stands, takes the wine glass from you, and places it on the coffee table in front of you.

"Whadya do that for?" you ask. Levi doesn't waste his time answering before he scoops you up into his arms. You let out a small yelp and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Levi!" you squeak.

"Well I gotta get you out of here somehow," he deadpans.

"But it's Christmas!"

"Jewish. Remember?"

"...shit," you almost whisper. Levi laughs as he begins to carry you to the door. It's a lovely sound, and you're pretty sure this is the most genuine laugh you've heard from him. For a split second, you're frozen, contemplating what to do next. Then, you get bold.


He looks down at you. You take the opportunity to lift your lips to his. There's a bit more force behind the action than you expect, and Levi actually seems caught off guard. You're pretty sure he almost drops you. But he doesn't. Instead, he sets you on the ground and stares at you. You look back at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something. There's a slight pang of anxiety in your chest. Have you fucked up? You raise your eyebrow, trying to prompt him to speak. Finally, he does.

"Why do you have to be a little shit about this?"

You're not sure how to respond. Luckily, you don't have a chance to, because he yanks you foward and crashes his mouth into yours. Any pain you feel from the action quickly ebbs away as he kisses you fiercely. Your mind whirls with thoughts and most of them are somewhere along the lines of 'holy shit'. A chill of pleasure races down your spine as his tongue sweeps across your bottom lip.

"Levi," you barely whisper. His cold hands are on the back of your neck. Your mind barely registers the fact that he now has you pinned up against the door. When did that happened? You're not sure you care. You're more focused on the fact that his left thumb presses into your hip and his lips are slowly, slowly, making their way down your neck. He laps and nibbles at the sensitive skin, leaving you absolutely breathless. You blush at the contact, at the feeling of his body on yours. He grinds into you slightly. Good God.

"Levi. Fuck," you whimper. You feel him smile against your skin. He enjoys what he's doing to you. There's a slight tug at your collar and you pull away to see what he's doing. You're met with a devilish grin and his hands undoing the buttons on your blouse. You exhale slowly and close your eyes. He undoes one button, two, three...

He stops.

You look up to see him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. You swear a little bit of your soul dies. Levi looks at the number calling him and you swear he goes pale. A conflicted, almost worried look crosses his features. Grey eyes meet yours.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry..." he whispers.

"I don't..."

"You have to go. Petra will drive you home. Please, just trust me here,"

And with that, he opens the door and gently nudges you out. Just like that, you're just as lonely as before. Except this time you're confused and horny. Great.

Author's note: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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