- | Crybaby | -

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Dis to the claimer ; as far as I know, Dan's family isn't like this. So don't take this phanfic too seriously.

Human beings are imperfect. Everybody has their flaws and imperfections. Some are insecure, even. Even the most popular people have flaws. Jennifer Lawrence, very clumsy, but still an amazing actress. Megan Fox, has a disfigured thumb, still is attractive and incredibly talented. Ellen DeGeneres, is gay and completely open about it, still humorous and entertaining. Every flaw always has something..well, great about it! I have a lot of flaws, but it seems like mine doesn't have anything great hiding. If I have a hidden talent of some sort, I'm still looking for it. If people find me attractive, I'm still looking for those specific people. If in my school there are people who accept homosexuality and aren't homophobic piece of shits, well..I can't find them. Except for Louise, she is extremely supportive. There are a lot of homosexuals in my school, but there are at least 50 times more homophobes in school. And it's pissing me off! Like,



Gay means happy, and it also means you are physically, mentally and emotionally attracted to someone with the same sex. What makes you happy? Love. So, if you are physically, emotionally and mentally attracted to someone, so technically, you love that person? Yeah! You do. And if you bully, hurt or do something negative to a gay person then, basically, love hurts? It's sending a bad message to younger people and to those who are trying to have confidence to come out to their parents and friends. And that's just messed up. Now, my question is. Why are people so judgmental about people who are attracted to anyone in general? Why do they hate labels? Not in a good way. I mean, myself, I DO NOT agree with labels, it's like classifying people into a group, and that's fucking judgmental. You know why? Why they hate other sexualities? Because they were taught to be straight. They didn't have a chance to choose who they want to be with, to love. I've been saying this, but, that's simply, fucked up! Imagine you're a kid that's sexually confused? But you are too scared to stand up to yourself, because you don't want to disappoint society. But, really..you are. Because society wants us to be open about things, but the other part of society is so rude and arrogant.

That same kid, he decides to finally come out, he's now 15. He comes out to his or her friends, they agree. They don't mind, but when that kid comes out to his parents, they scold him and mentally, socially, physically and verbally hurt the kid. Now the kid is scarred for life! She or he got kicked out, now, she or he starts smoking and going drug dealing and shit. And you homophobic parents, you let your kid down, so you let down your creation? Your own creation. It doesn't make any logical sense to me. To me. It's like you studied and studied to make the perfect robot, and then when you finally do, and it does something wrong, you break it? It's a fucking robot for god's sake! Same as your child. It's yours. Why would you permanently scar it? That's just messed up. So, the kid becomes depressed? The kid becomes to feel insecure, the kid cries for a certain amount of time. Thinks his insane.

You permanently scarred that girl or boy. So one day he shows up to school, crying. Everybody teases and makes jokes, and thanks to the fucking almighty bullies, they fuck up her or him even more! So, love your child for fuck's sake! If you would just kick it out like that, why'd you make it on the first place? Oh, because you want him or her to be "perfect" and be called handsome or beautiful, lady-like or gentleman. But if you scarred them and they're depressed, those overpriced shoes and clothes won't make him or her much happier. But his or her tear ducts will become involuntary. So, for those homophobes out there, us gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, transexual, go through a shit load. A lot more. A lot lot more. And if you don't agree with these thoughts, then I don't know about you, tell the psychiatrist something is wrong. Also, if you don't agree, it's not my fault that your child will become a crybaby. He or she is vulnerable, his or her heart is too big for his or her body, it's where his or her feelings hide.

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