Chapter 62

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Andromeda's POV:

Harry bends down to Teddy's height, they stand outside my house. Teddy is going to be spending a few days with me. "Now you're going to behave for your Nanna right?" He asks me, ruffling his hair.

He nods eagerly, practically jumping with excitement. "Yes," he promises wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry stands up and hands me Teddy's bag. "Owl if you need anything. Have fun you two."

I take my grandson's hand, the one that isn't waving goodbye too his godfather. "We will!" I promise. Harry disappears with a pop!

I take Teddy inside and sit him at the kitchen table. "Have you had lunch yet, dear?"

He shakes his head. "No, Harry said I eat here." Teddy slides out of the chair and over to the book shelves where I have pictures of Ted, Dora, Remus and Teddy. Most of the pictures of Remus are either with Dora or Teddy.

"Nanna," Teddy says grabbing the picture of his parents after Dora has just given birth to him. The picture is moving, of course. Remus is pressing a kiss to Dora's forehead as she smiles down at her new son.

"Yes, dear?" I bend down to his height kissing his hair, which has turned to a sad-looking blue from the usual turquoise color.

He shakes his head, his hair turning back to normal. "Nothing, nanna." He sets the picture back on the shelf and walks back over to the kitchen. "Have lunch?"

I stand and walk over to him. "Of course, what sounds good to you? Your mum always loved my grilled cheese. Want to try it?"

Teddy looks up at me. "Really? My mum liked it?"

"Always made her feel better when she was sick as a little girl." I tell him grabbing the bread and cheese.  He sits on the counter next to me while I butter the outsides of the bread. "The butter makes sure that the slices don't stick to the pan."

Teddy watches me intently while I make his sandwich. I set my hands down next to the sandwich on the table and look over at him. "Edward, why don't you go play while I make lunch?"

He ducks his chin and smiles sheepishly. "Okay nanna." I help him down to the floor and he runs off to play.

Dora used to watch people like Teddy was just doing. As if they were doing the most interesting work she had ever seen. Even if it was as small as making lunch or writing a letter. Dora got distracted by people during her Hogwarts years. She graduated with high marks but not without hard work and tutoring sessions.

I know Teddy is going to start asking me questions about his parents, I can't wait to tell him about his mum. But Remus. I didn't know the man very well. I wish I did - I hardly have anything to tell Teddy about his father.

I set the sandwich on the hot pan and sigh. I'm not sure how I will even begin to tell Teddy about his parents, their stories. I only know one. Although, I over heard many conversations between my daughter and he husband. He'd tell her how much he loved her, how she made his life worth something again. Life was lonely for a werewolf who hates themselves.

Remus lived a life in fear, Dora once told me, scared of getting close to people because of his fear of his other side. I remember how devastated she was when he would turn her down, telling her that she should find someone else to love. A young, healthy, safe love that she would be able to spend a long life with.

My daughter never took no for an answer. Every time he told her no, she would come back harder every time. He finally broke. I'm glad she found him, I was worried - he was a werewolf - but when I saw how happy she was with him, how much she loved Remus and their son, I'm glad she had someone to love before--

I blink away my tears and glance down at Teddy's lunch. I flip it over to grill the other side. Thankfully, it didn't burn while I was day dreaming. I grab an apple for him to eat as well.

I put the grilled cheese onto a plate and the apple slices. "Teddy, lunch is ready, dear." I set the plate on the table just as my grandson runs into the kitchen.

Teddy hops up onto the chair and takes a bite of an apple slice. "Thank you, nanna."

I nod and sit next to him. "You're welcome. After dinner would you like to take a look around the house? I can show you your mother's old room, if you'd like. I've started to clean it out. I've decided to move to a smaller house."

Teddy cocks his head, taking a bite of his lunch. "Why?" He asks, his mouth full of food.

"Please swallow before talking, dear." I instruct. I sigh before answering his question. "This house is too big for me. Too big and quiet. There's far too many memories here. I'm going to look for just a little two or three bedroom cottage. You'll have a room all to yourself. You can even decide how you want to paint it and the bedding."

Teddy is silent for a minute, he's studying me. "Too many memories?"

I nod. "They are very good memories, most of them. But there are also sad ones. And sad memories sit the heaviest on our minds, Teddy." I tell him, trying to make as much sense to a seven year old as I can. "Sad memories often cause the most harm for people. I want to spend time with you in a happy place, where we can make new memories." Teddy seems to understand, he doesn't say so but he starts to eat his lunch again.

• • •

Once I tuck Teddy into the guest bedroom that night I kiss his forehead and start to walk towards the door. He stops me, grabbing my hand. "Stay?" He whispers, his eyes slightly wide.

I nod and sit on the edge of the bed next to him. I run my fingers through his hair. "Just until you fall asleep, dear." I watch him as he closes his eyes and his breath starts to even out.

Once I'm sure he is in a deep enough sleep so I won't wake him when I leave, I carefully stand and kiss his forehead. "Good night, Edward." I walk over to the door and shut it quietly behind me.

I get ready for bed and slide underneath the covers. I turn off the lamp and lay down. Sleep doesn't come. My mind is racing as I try to figure out what to tell Teddy about his parents tomorrow.  (Requests need)

Sleep eventually finds me, after an hour or so of tossing and turning.


Not the best chapter but I've been on vacation on Arizona so I haven't had much time to write.

Any ideas for memories that Andromeda can tell Teddy about? About Tonks and Remus.

Sorry it took so long to update but like I said I'm on my spring break right now and I didn't want to sit on my phone the whole time. I tried to write at night but there's a two hour time difference between Minnesota and Arizona so I've been really tired at night.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope to update soon!

Keep calm and fangirl on!


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