Chapter 6

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Edited by: callmesnuffles

Chapter 6

****3 days later****

Harry's POV:

Having Ginny move in with me is the best thing I ever did. I love falling asleep next to her, I love waking up next to her and I love the way she bonds with Teddy. We agreed to Mrs. Weasley that we would have family dinners once every week.

"Harry!" Ginny yells from upstairs.

"Yea Gin?" I ask.

"I don't know what shirt to wear, help me!" she yells back, I go upstairs to see her standing in a red shirt.

"So this one?" she asks pointing down to the shirt on her body, "or this?" she asks taking off her shirt and putting a turquoise one on.

"That one, it looks lovely with your hair," I say kissing the back of her head, "Ready now?" I ask, she nods and we are about to leave but she stops.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asks.

"No, I don't think-Teddy!" I exclaim, I forgot that I put him in his room to play. I run up the stairs.

"Honestly Harry, what are you going to do when we have children?" she asks as I come down with Teddy in my arms, who is sucking on Moony's tail. When our owl comes in, Ginny walks over and looks at the note, "we have to pick up potatoes for mum." We apparate to Diagon Alley and head to get food, of course we are spotted and people start talking pictures, all of the people start to make Teddy cry. Ginny takes him from me and comforts him. Once we get the potatoes we apparate to the Burrow.

"Ginny, Harry there you are!" Mrs. Weasley exclaims.

"Ginny!" Hermione exclaims rushing towards us, she takes Teddy from us and heads inside.

"Hermy!" Teddy says.

When we walk inside we see everyone watching him, he loves the attention, "Harry, good to see you." Mr. Weasley tells me.

"You as well," I say, sitting down on the couch next to Ginny, where everyone is fussing over Teddy. I smile at Ginny; we can relax and watch Teddy, which usually doesn't happen.

"Dinner!" Molly calls us and we all go into the kitchen and sit down.

I put Teddy on my lap but he wines, "Wawa" he says reaching towards Mrs. Weasley. I look at her, she smiles and takes him from me and sets him on her lap. I can tell she likes having Teddy around, she doesn't have any grandchildren yet so Teddy is hers.

"How is everything at the house Gin?" Mr. Weasley asks. We glance at each other.

"They are great, I love being with my boys," she says kissing Teddy on the head and me on the cheek, "Where's Bill didn't he say that-"

She gets interrupted by Bill, "Sorry we are late." He walks on and gives his mum a kiss on the cheek. The dinner is the same as all Weasley dinners are, loud and full of laughter. After dinner we head into the living room and talk and joke even more.

I look over at Hermione who is playing with Teddy, "Ron, do you see Hermione?"

"Yea I do mate and I love it," he smiles and walks over to them.

"Won!" Teddy says.

"I love these dinners don't you Harry?" Ginny asks looking at her family, I see her scanning over them, her eyes start to move fast like she sees someone is missing then her eyes stop at the picture of Fred and George.

"I do, it's nice to have a small break from watching Teddy," I say. We sit down and talk to her parents but we get interrupted by Teddy screaming. I stand up and go over to him, he has a red bump on his head.

"Harry, he was walking and he fell and hit his head on the fire place edge," Hermione says, "I'm sorry."

"'Mione is not your fault, he is still wobbly on his legs, he falls all the time, just this time he got hurt," Ginny says. We take the screaming Teddy into the kitchen I try to calm him down but he won't stop. Ginny takes him into her arms and she starts to hum a lullaby and he starts to calm down but he is still crying. I leave her to go find Hermione to make sure she is okay. I walk into Ron's room to find her crying, and Ron is trying to calm her down.

"Hermione, it isn't your fault, he is a baby who is still getting used to walking. He falls a lot," I say kissing her forehead lightly.

"'Mione he wants you," Ginny says when she enters the room.

"Hermy, Hermy!" Teddy is screaming. Hermione takes him and he stops abruptly, "sad?" he asks her.

"No I'm okay," Hermione says and smiles.

"Teddy, give Aunt Hermione a kiss," Ginny says Teddy leans forward and kisses the tip of her nose. Later that night, Teddy falls asleep in Hermione's arms, "We should probably go home."

"Yea," I take Teddy from her arms, he stirs but doesn't wake. When we get home we put him to bed and then I fall asleep with Ginny in my arms.

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