Chapter 10

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Bill's POV:

Edited by callmesnuffles

"Bill," my 9 month pregnant wife says, "Don't panic, but I think I'm going into labour."

"What?" my heart quickens its pace. "We need to go!" I exclaim, taking her hand. "Wait," I quickly send a message to the Burrow asking them to meet us at St. Mungo's

Harry's POV:

Ginny and I are dropping Teddy off at the Burrow when Bill's owl suddenly shoots in and Mrs. Weasley exclaims from the kitchen that Fleur is going to labour and we need to go to St. Mungo's.

I tightly grab Ginny's hand and apparate to the hospital where Ron and Hermione arrive a couple of minutes later.

Soon Bill comes out looking very flustered. "She is almost ready."

"Hawy?" Teddy asks, looking up at me with huge eyes.

"Fleur is going to have her baby," I explain, gently taking his hand into mine and lifting him onto my lap.

"Bby??" he furrows his eyebrows, twisting around to face me.

"It's in Fleur's tummy," says Ginny, stroking his hair.

After two long hours of impatient waiting, Bill marches proudly into the waiting room.
"It's a girl!"

He motions for us follow and we all file into the room, to see a pink bundle in Fleur's arms.
"What's her name?" Ginny asks softly, laying a hand of Fleur's sagging shoulders.

"Victoire," Fleur announces handing the baby to Mrs. Weasley who is cooing over her new granddaughter.

The baby gets passed around until she lands in Ginny's arms, "Teddy, this is Victoire. You have to be gentle with her, because she is only a baby," I tell my godson who is in my arms.

"V-V-ic," Teddy pronounces cautiously, his face red with concentration; he's desperate to get it right. He pats the baby's head which has a little blonde hair in the center of her head. I look to see everyone grinning at Teddy and the baby.

"You're doing great Teddy, well done. I'm sure you and Victoire will be the best of friends as well." Fleur leans in and murmurs her encouragement softly in Teddy's ear, her voice shaky from exhaustion.

"Alright, give me my daughter back Gin." Bill laughs, taking his new baby from his sister, "Harry do you have any advice?"

"Wh-what? Why are you asking me?" I ask, astonished.

"You've done a great job with Teddy, so I just wanted some advice," he smiles, finally tearing his eyes away from his new-born daughter.

"Umm... definitely treasure the baby years and if you don't know what to do, go with your gut feeling," I say patting him good luck on the back.

"Thanks Harry," Fleur murmurs, falling back against her white hospital pillow and closing her eyes, steadily falling asleep.

"And definitely sleep whenever you get the chance to." I laugh as we all head for the door.
We all head back to the Burrow, I'm deep into a conversation with Ron when I hear Ginny exclaim from the kitchen, "Angelina what is that on your finger?!"

Ron and I both race into the kitchen to see Hermione and Ginny admiring a beautiful diamond ring on Angelina's finger, "George! Why didn't you tell us you were proposing?"

"We were going to tell you today, but then the baby came so we didn't want it to seem like we were trying to steal the attention," George explains, "but I did it last night." George hugs his fiancée tightly, both wearing enormous smiles.

"Oh, all my babies are growing up!" Mrs. Weasley mumbles through her tears, giving them both a bone crushing hug.

Ginny and Hermione are talking to Angelina, while the guys chat to George, "Congratulations," I praise him.

"Thanks Harry," George smiles though he isn't looking at me. I follow his eyes over to a picture of him and Fred hanging on the wall. George embraces Ron, Charlie, Percy and his dad.
Teddy  yawns resting his head on my shoulder. I gently lay Teddy in Ginny's old room so he can sleep.

"Why don't you leave Teddy here? His separation anxiety isn't as bad anymore. You two go on home," Mrs. Weasley asks, clearly afraid all the babies are going to grow up too fast without her realizing it.

Before I can object Ginny says, "Thanks mum. We'll pick him up in the morning." Ginny hugs her family and we head to our house.

Ginny POV:

We get home and I head into the bathroom to change into lingerie for Harry. I open the door a little bit to see him reading on the bed, in his pajama pants and no shirt. "Harry?" I ask quietly, opening the door wider and stepping out.

"Yes love?" he asks not looking up from his book.
"Harry look at me," I say softly.

He looks up and his eyes widen and a smile breaks across his face. Harry walks over to me, picks me up bridal style and presses his lips to mine; I kiss back as he lays me on the bed. I unbutton his shirt; he kisses me harder begging me to go faster. Once his shirt is off I go to his pants and unbutton and unzip them slowly. He moans into my mouth. I giggle as he kisses my neck, then he takes off the lingerie, and I take off his boxers.

Hermione's POV:

"We should probably head home too," Ron says a little after Harry and Ginny leave.

"Alright," I yawn, standing and gently grabbing his hand.

"Bye mum, bye dad," Ron calls and we apparate home.
We head upstairs and change into pajamas,

"Yes 'Mione?" Ron says looking at me. I kiss him passionately, he kisses back. I play with the hem of his shirt so he'll take it off. He does. Pretty soon we are both only in our undergarments, "I love you so much 'Mione."

"I love you more Ron," I kiss him. He unclasps my bra and we fall back onto the bed.

Angelina's POV:

"I love you so much," I whisper to George that night.

"I love you more," he teases, kissing my cheek.
I lay back onto his chest, "What do you love about me, George?" I ask quietly.

"I love your laugh, I love how stubborn you are, I love that you love me even though how broken I am, I love to watch you play Quidditch, and I love all the little things you do just to make me smile." he replies sincerely.
I couldn't help myself I kiss him.

"George, you aren't broken," I mutter, breaking away and we rest our foreheads against each other's.

"You may not see it, Ange, but I am," he says quietly, kissing my head.

"No, I see it, but you're not as broken as you think." I kiss him and slowly fall asleep in his arms.

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