Chapter 11

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Edited by callmesnuffles

Victoire is 5 months old

Harry's POV:

"Vic!" Teddy shouts, running over to the baby who is laying on the floor.

"Be gentle, Teddy Bear," I warn my godson, "thanks again for watching him, Bill."

"It's no problem," he says warmly.

"If he starts to cry give him his pacifier but he has been pretty good for the last few months when he stays here," I say putting the baby bag down, "Bye Teddy Bear."

"Bye Hawy," he says running over to hug me.

"Thanks again guys," I say before I leave. I apparate to the Ministry and head to my office, which I share with Ron.

"Hey Harry," Ron greets as I sit down.

I return it.

"Potter, Weasley, we need you come to the conference room." Auror Jackson says. (A/N: this is just how I imagine it, like a big room where they all meet to talk about the dark wizards and on the walls are their pictures)

"Good, you three are here," Auror Jones says. "As you all know, we have been hunting down Death Eaters, and it's going fairly well... but we just learned that a Death Eater we believed was in Azkaban, isn't."


"Lucius Malfoy," Jones says. I look at Ron and he has the same look written on his face as I do, we want this case. We want to lock him up for Hermione, what his sister in-law did to Hermione. "Does anyone want the case?"

"We do," Ron says placing a firm grip on my shoulder, I know he is thinking about Hermione. So am I.

"Potter, Weasley, great," Jones says, "This is all the paperwork we have on him. Read it carefully."

"Yes sir," I say and share the papers equally with Ron.

"Oh and Potter, Weasley, we will be assigning a trainee to this case to help you as well." He informs us. We both nod tightly and exit the room with a brisk pace; the mission is already occupying our minds.

We enter our office to see a girl sitting there, she has long brown hair and striking blue eyes, "You must be Auror Potter and Auror Weasley. I am Ashley Johnson your trainee."

"Nice to meet you, and call me Harry," I tell her, and smile, hoping she'll be any good.

"And me Ron," Ron says sitting down.

"Did Jones tell you about the case?" I ask.

"No, he said that you would," she shakes her head, walking over to my desk.

"Alright, we are looking for Lucius Malfoy," I tell her handing her a folder to look through.

"His son is Draco Malfoy right?" she asks, "I was in Ravenclaw." She says answering the question on my face.

"Yes, his son is Draco." Ron says tightly.

We sit in silence with only the shuffle of papers to disrupt it. Ashley finally breaks it, "Is that your girlfriend, Harry?" she asks looking at the picture of Ginny and I.

"Yes, and Ron's sister." I laugh and look to see Ron rolling his eyes.

"You have a son?" she asks taking the picture of me holding Teddy when I first brought him home.

"No, he is my godson. His parents died in the war, so they left him to me," I explain sadly, the memories with Remus and Tonks floating around my mind.

Then she notices the picture of Ron, Hermione and I in our 3rd year, "is that you and Ron? Who is that girl?"

"Yes its Ron and I. That's Hermione," I say. I grab another picture from our 6th year.

"Is Hermione Ron's girlfriend?" she asks curiously.

"Why do you ask?" Ron asks coming over to us.

"I mean look at the way you look at her," she grins.

"Yes, she is my girlfriend. Not in the picture though." Ron says walking over to get his coat, "well, I'll see you tomorrow."

Then the door opens and Hermione is standing there, "'Mione," Ron walks over and kisses his girlfriend.

"Hello, who are you?" Hermione asks, looking at Ashley.

"Ashley Jackson, I'm working with Ron and Harry as a trainee," she says shaking Hermione's hand.

"Alright I should probably go home to Ginny and Teddy," I leave the office and head home.

Ginny's POV:

I pick Teddy up early from my brother's, "Hey Teddy Bear. Did you have fun with Victoire, Bill and Fleur?"

"Ya," he says, "bake cookies!"

"Wow! You had a fun day!" I grin, walking into Teddy's room.

"Hawy?" he asks, as I change his diaper.

"He'll be home-"

"Gin?" I hear Harry yell from down stairs.

"Up here!" I shout, as I put a new diaper on him. Harry walks in and kisses me, and Teddy's forehead. "Could you hand me his pajamas?"

"Sure." Harry says going into the dresser to get them, "Ron and I got a trainee today."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, her name is Ashley, I think she is a year younger than you," he explains, "she was looking at the pictures I have on my desk and she saw the one of Ron, Hermione and I in our 6th year and she asked if they were dating. Ron asked why she thinks that and she said that she could tell that they are by the way they looked at each other," he laughs.

"Everyone could see that they cared for each other but not them," I laugh as well, lifting Teddy off the changing station.

"Hawy! I bake cookies today!" he tells me excitedly.

"You baked cookies today?" Harry asks subtly correcting his godson.

"Let's go play until bedtime boys," I tell them. Harry takes Teddy's hand and helps him down the stairs. We play with Teddy until he falls sleep in Harry's lap, "we should probably take him upstairs." I whisper.

Harry nods trying not to wake the sleeping toddler, "sweep here?" Teddy asks sleepily

"Sure Teddy Bear," I tell him. I see that he has fallen back asleep. Harry lays him on the bed and we go into the bathroom to change. I take off my shirt to notice Harry staring. "Harry you're staring."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it," he smirks, kissing me. We change in silence and head to bed.

"I love you Harry. I love you Teddy," kissing both boys.

"I love you too Gin. I love you too Teddy," he says kissing me on the lips and Teddy lightly on the forehead.

Those 19 years: A Harry Potter fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now