Chapter 9

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Sorry that this is so short, I have swim practice at 6:00 in the morning so that means I have to get up at 5:00 which also means that I have go to bed early!😥

Harry's POV:

It's been a week and Teddy's separation anxiety has gotten a little bit better but Mrs. Weasley says that he still cries for an hour after I leave. However if she gives him his pacifier, or as Teddy calls it 'binky', then it calms him down just a little bit.

I finish at the ministry early; there hasn't been much activity for the Aurors but I'm sure there will be soon. Ron and Hermione are still in Australia trying to find her parents. They said they were close last time they sent me a message. I really hope they do find them, I know how much it means to Hermione.

I knock on the Weasley's door, coming to pick my lively little godson.

"Hawy!" Teddy exclaims from Mr. Weasley's arms, reaching out for me.

"Hey Teddy Bear," I take him and he holds onto my neck with an iron grip, "how was he?" I ask nervously.

"He was the same as always," Mr. Weasley shrugs. I sit down and talk to them for a while as Teddy sits on my lap, refusing to get off.

Hermione's POV:

Ron and I walk into another dentist office to try to find my parents, "how can I help you?" a woman asks from behind the desk, her voice heavy with an accent and a huge, fake, smile plastered on her face.

"Is there someone that works here with the last name Wilkins?" I ask, my insides churning and desperation clawing at my voice; this is the last dentistry in the area.

"Yes, would you like me to bring them out?"

I nod, "yes, thank you."

I can feel stress and anxiety building up inside of me; what if I can't lift the spell, what if they're angry once they've realized what I did to them?

My parents come out, "can we help you?" my dad asks, his brown hair above his ears and eyes twinkling just as I remembered them.

"May we speak to you outside?" Ron motions towards the door, squeezing my hand.

"Yes but just so long as it doesn't take too long," mum frowns and follows us out the building, casting confused looks at my dad, who returns them, shrugging.

My breath quickening in my chest, I struggle to take my wand out, ignoring the looks of confusion coming from both my parents. Re calling my knowledge, I summon all the strength I can muster and articulate the words to lift the spell carefully, desperate not to make a mistake. Fortunately, the spell easily lifts and both my parents look around weirdly for a moment before they spot me and their faces break into huge grins, tears pouring down my mother's face. My dad's eyes light up.

"Where are we Hermione?" my mum's voice is muffled through her tears.

"In Australia. I had to replace your memories to protect you from You-Know-I mean Voldemort. I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect you, I didn't mean to-" I stutter, my face flushes.

"Hermione, sweetheart, it's okay. Everything's going to be okay." My dad soothes, gently rocking me and stroking my hair.

I take a deep breath and pull away. "This is Ron Weasley, my boyfriend," I state as I grab his hand and squeeze it.

"It's nice to meet you both," Ron enthusiastically shakes my parents' hands.

"You as well young man, I'm looking forward to having a little chat with you later." Dad says seriously and I groan inwardly.

"Can we go home?" mum turns towards me and I nod, not able to keep the goofy grin off my face.

I smile, "yes. But first would you like to meet... everyone?" they laugh, nod, and we apparate to the Burrow.

Ron's POV:

When we arrive at my house, I knock on the door and mum comes to open it. She immediately engulfs me and Hermione into a bone crushing hug.

"Mum, this is 'Mione's parents." I explain.

(A/N: Does J.K. Rowling mention her parents' names? I don't remember so... I'll make them up)

"Jack Granger, and this is my wife Jean," Mr. Granger smiles, shaking my mum's hand.

"Molly, and my husband Arthur is inside. Please do come in," she welcomes, opening the door wider and ushering them inside.

"Ah, Ron, Hermione- you're back!" dad pats my back and hugs Hermione. We go through the introductions again.

As they do, we head over to Harry, "I'm so glad you found your parents 'Mione," Harry says hugging her tightly.

"Mum, Dad this is Harry," Hermione motions towards her best friend, "and his godson Teddy."

"It's nice to meet you," Harry shakes their hands.

Mrs. Granger notices Teddy's hair (well who couldn't?), "why is his hair blue?"

"He is a Metamorphmagus , which means he can change his appearance but he is little so he can't really do anything, but his hair changes color with emotions," Hermione rapidly explains, of course.

"Hello everyone," Ginny says walking into the Burrow, she walks over to Harry who kisses her on the cheek, then proceeds to hugging both her brother and Hermione.

"Gin, these are my parents," Hermione says as they pull away.

Later that night I pull Hermione to the side, "do you still want to get a place of our own?" she nods and kisses me.

"We should probably head home," Mr. Granger says apologetically, standing up.

Hermione and I follow him and his wife out, so I can ask, "would it be alright if 'Mione and I got a place if our own?"

"Yes, just so long as you treat her right," her father smiles and engulfs her in another huge hug. They are soon joined by Ms. Granger.

"Thank you dad, thank you mum," Hermione says kissing both on their cheeks. We go back inside and head upstairs to bed.

Ginny's POV:

Harry and I are getting ready for bed when Teddy walks into the room in is pajamas and clutching Moony with as fierce grip, "Hawy?"

I walk out of the bathroom closing the door behind me, "What do you need Teddy Bear?"

"Hawy?" he asks, looking around, eyes wide.

"No, Harry is busy. I can help you what's wrong?" I squat down to his height.

"Put to bed pwease," he says, pointing to his room.

I haul him up to my hip and carry him to his bedroom. I gently lay him in his bed, pulling the covers tightly over him, "goodnight Teddy, Harry and I love you," I kiss his forehead softly.

"Wuv," he mutters, already half asleep. My face breaks into a huge smile, I kiss him one more time and cautiously close the door shut behind me.

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