Chapter 18-republish

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Ginny POV:
When I wake up, I roll over so I can wrap my arms around Harry, but his sie of the bed is empty. I open my eyes to see that I am in my childhood bedroom. 'Why?' I think to myself. Then my eyes snap open, 'I'm getting married today.'
"Gin, you awake?" I hear my mum say.
"Yea, you can come in." I say sitting up in bed.
My mum and Charlie walk in, "Charlie!" I exclaim, I haven't seen him very much he has been in Romania for so long. I get out of bed to hug him.
"Don't act so surprised, Gin. You think I'd miss my only sister's wedding?" Charlie laughs and kisses my head.
"Come on now!" mum says. "You need to at then we can get ready."
I see Hermione already at the table talking to George. I hug him, "how's Angelina?"
"As well as she can be, she is 8 months pregnant mind you." George says.
"I'm doing just fine thank you very much." Angelina says coming down the stairs.
"Angie!" George exclaims. "You should've called for me," he says helping her down the rest of the stairs.
"Oh hush. I'm fine, and the baby is fine." Angelina says. "He has been kicking like crazy." She takes his hand a places it on her stomach.
She walks over and George helps her sit down, "how are you doing Ginny?"
"I'm... alright... I guess." I say pushing my food around my plate.
Angelina leans over and whispers, so I can only hear. "Just wait for tonight." I laugh, Harry and I are going to Paris for our Honeymoon.
*Time laps*
"'Mione, you and Ron can still watch Teddy right?" I ask when I get out of the shower.
"Yup," Hermione says handing me a robe so I can get out of my wet towel. "I prepared his room last night."
"Okay." I say, I'm still worried though. He doesn't like to spend too much time away from Harry and I. "If he won't calm down try giving him the stuffed wolf it usually helps. But if you can't you are just going to have to hold him until he gets tired and falls asleep."
"Relax Gin, he will be fine." Ron says walking into the room, with Teddy on his hip.
"Ginny!" Teddy squeals and wriggles to get free, Ron almost drops him.
"Ronald! Be careful!" I scold, taking the blue haired boy from my brother.
"Sorry Gin," he walks over to Hermione and hugs her from behind and kisses her cheek. "Hello love." Their wedding is in 3 weeks.
"Ron! You startled me!"
"Ginny?" Teddy asks.
"Yea, Teddy Bear?"
"Why you not wif Harry?" Teddy asks.
"Because it's bad luck for me to see him before the wedding." I kiss his little head. I turn to my brother, "why are you here Ron? Not that it's bad thing."
"Teddy really wanted to see you." Ron says, then adds. "And I wanted to see you, 'Mione." He takes the dress from her hands and kisses her on the lips.
"Yucky!" Teddy exclaims.
Harry POV:
I pace my room, I am so nervous for the wedding. 'What if I mess up on my vows? What if I stumble on my words? What if-' my thoughts get interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Harry, can I come in?" It's Mr. Weasley.
"Sure." I sit on my bed and he walks in. "What is this about?"
"I thought you could use someone to talk to. You know some fatherly advice." He places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know you are nervous Harry. But there is nothing to be nervous about. I felt the same way when I married Molly. I was worried about so many things. Stupid things. Things that didn't matter, Molly loved and I loved Molly. That is all that matters Harry, you love Ginny very much, I can tell. And Ginny loves you very much." He scratches the back of his neck. "I know I'm not your father but I hoped that helped you."
"It did, thank you very much." I tell him.
"Anytime Harry," he smiles at me.
*Time laps*
Ginny POV:
"Harry repeat after me," George says, we decided to have him perform the ceremony. "With this ring, I thee wed."
Harry takes the ring from Teddy, "with this ring I thee wed."
"Ginny, repeat after me. With this ring I, thee wed." George says.
I take the other ring from Teddy, "With this ring, I thee wed."
"Now we are going to bind your wands," George says. He performs that ceremony and says. "Do you Harry James take Ginerva Molly as your lawfully wedded wife?"
Harry looks me straight in the eyes, "I do."
"And do you-" he is cut off by my mum blowing her nose, loudly. "Do you Ginerva Molly, take Harry James as your lawfully wedded husband?"
I look directly into Harry's beautiful green eyes behind his glasses, "I do."
"I know pronounce you husband and wife, Harry you may kiss your bride."
Harry's lips are on mine, I kiss him back slightly and pull away. "I love you Harry Potter."
"I love you too Ginny Potter," he smiles and we walk down the aisle, with Ron and Hermione following.
"You look so beautiful Gin," Harry says as we have our first dance as husband and wife.
"Thank you Harry," Ginny says. I rest my head on his chest, we sway to the music.
"Harry!" Teddy shouts running onto the floor. "Ginny!"
Harry bends down and says, "why don't you go find Victorie?"
"Okay Harry!" he exclaims and runs off into the crowd to find his friend.
We sit down to dinner, Harry keeps his hand on my thigh the whole time. He moves his hand up and towards my inner thigh. "Potter." I warn.
"Relax Weas -Potter," he smirks at me.
Later that night, I'm dancing with my dad while Harry is dancing with Hermione.
"I can't believe it." my dad says.
"What can't you believe daddy?" I ask.
"My little girl is married." He smiles at me. "Married to 'The Boy Who Lived.'"
"Oh shut up," I roll my eyes at my childhood crush of Harry Potter, my dad laughs.
"I'm proud of you Gin," he kisses my check when Harry comes over.
"May I cut in?" he asks holding out his hand.
"Of course," my dad says.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me close. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Me too Harry," I lay my head on his chest.
The party lasts until 12:00. We dance all night long. I danced with all of my brothers.
I change out of my dress and into clothes I can wear on the plane. Harry grabs our suit cases so we can head to the airport, we decided to do fly to Paris. "Harry where you goin'?" Teddy asks.
"Ginny and I are going to Paris for a week and a half." He bends down to his godson's height. "You are going to stay with Ron and 'Mione. Won't that be fun?"
"But I wan' to go wif you!" Teddy cries, wrapping his little arms around his neck.
"Teddy Bear, we aren't going to be gone for long," I tell him.
"Don' weave me!" he cries.
"Teddy we have to go we are going to miss our flight," Harry says.
"No!" Teddy cries. Ron comes over to take Teddy but when he takes him Teddy's little arms stay wrapped around his neck. "No!" Teddy screams again.
"Teddy we love you. But you need to let go of Harry's neck." I take his arms and pry them off.
"No!" he screams when I get his arms free.
Harry and I kiss his head, "We love you Teddy." Harry says.
"We'll see you soon," I assure him. I turn to Ron and Hermione, "thanks again guys. Good luck, he'll calm down don't worry." I hug both of them. I hug the rest of my family ending with my mum and dad. "I love you."
"We love you too," mum says. Then she whispers, "make sure you use the correct protection."
"Muuum," I wine,
"Just do it," she laughs. "Have fun."
"Not too much fun," my dad says.
"Arthur," mum warns.
"Go Harry is waiting for you."
I run to the car, "NO!" Teddy screams, trying to get free of Ron's arms.
"We love Teddy, we'll be back soon, I promise." Harry says before opening the door for me to get in.
We sit in silence when we first get in, "I love you Ginny." Harry says.
"I love you too Harry."
"Are you worried?" Harry asks.
"About Teddy?" Harry nods. "A little. I'm mostly just worried for Ron and Hermione and the fight Teddy it going to put up." I tell him.
"But," I continue. "Let's not talk about him right now."
"I agree," Harry smiles then kisses my head. "How's marriage treating you so far Mrs. Potter."
"Eh," I say shrugging my shoulders.
"Oh Really?" He jokes.
"Yup!" I say popping the 'p'.
"Maybe I can fix that?" he leans in to kiss me.
We kiss for a good 15 minutes when the driver says from the front, "we will be there in 5 minutes."
"Thank you," we say together.
Ron POV:
"'Mione, he won't stop." I say gesturing to the crying child on the floor.
"Did you try giving him the toy?" she asks me.
"Yea, but it didn't work." I sit on the floor next to Teddy and stroke his hair trying to calm him.
Teddy slaps my hand away, "Harry!" he screams.
Hermione picks up the screaming boy, "Teddy please don't cry." He sobs into her chest. "What can we do to get you to stop crying?"
"Harry," he sobs.
"Anything else?" I ask sitting next to them.
Teddy sobs into her chest again. "Ginny told us that if he won't calm down, we should just comfort him and eventually fall asleep." She cradles his head against her.
I hand Teddy the wolf, he takes it but continues to cry.
Teddy cries for about an hour more, by 1:30 he is asleep on my chest. I take him into our room and place him in the small bed that Harry and Ginny let us barrow while he stays here.
I lay down next to Hermione and wrap my arms around her, "I love you 'Mione."
"I love you too Ron."

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