The Plan

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thanks to people who actually read this <3


Chapter 1

The next day at school I tried to act casual, but it is hard to act casual when you are about to ask your friends to run away with you. When I put it like that it actually sounds stupid... Maybe I should rethink this. No. This time I really mean this serious, no more rethinking. I've done that enough times! Oh my god! I really am about to do this...

I'll go to Marissa first. She's my very best friend, and I can trust her. Maybe I'll just go with her. She is even worse off. She lives with super rich foster parents who wanted to give her back to the adoption agency because apparently they didn't know it was going to be so hard to raise a child...

She always tries to please them but they always find a reason to be mean to her... Poor her! I love her like a sister! She is my cosmic twin.

I go to her. I tell her. And she just says "Take me! I'll come with you! Just us, without the others, okay?! When do we leave?"

I thought she would say I'm crazy, that this was never meant to be serious! But no, she wants to come. I get where she comes from... I mean, to not go with the others, it's easier not to leave tracks when it's just us. Thank god I have her! Now there just has to be a plan made!

First I think we should make a list... I can't concentrate anyways in English IB Literature so I start making two copies of a list:

1 toothbrush, toothpaste

At least 14 undies

Like, about 7 bras

5 shorts

3 jeans

2 skirts

10 t-shirts

2 hoodies

1 jacket

1 pair of sandals

1 pair of sport shoes (wear your chucks)

1 pair of flip flops

Necklaces or any favorite accessories

Whatever else is important to you

iPod with everything

Phone (obviously)

Notebook and pens (just in case)

Band-aids and disinfection thingie

Make up, nail polish/clipper/remover

Other girl necessities

A small backpack

And most of all, money! ALL pocket money and I'm gonna steal some from my parents, I know their bank account, I don't know if you can from your parents... Thanks for doing this with me!!! :*

I took a pic of the note and messaged it to her on iMessage (on my iPhone 5) cuz' I have 3G everywhere! I have prepaid with lots of different offers so that good because otherwise my mom can track me by my phone when I leave. She tried to do it before just because I went to a party, so since then I have a prepaid card.

I still can't believe we are actually gonna go through with this... The question is when? We live in Spain and it is 20th of June, thursday, so Summer is nearly there! In this school (a private one with english curriculum) holidays start on June 28th, friday... Maybe we should finish this school year but be ready by then! I have €684 saved and this Sunday I get my money for the week again ( €19 ).

I think I'm gonna take money from moms account for emergencies, ahe never checks that one! Taking around €8k can't be that bad.

Briiiing. My phone is ringing. I answer it. It's Marissa.

"Hey Jem! Your list is awesome! I have €929 saved and I only know the code of my college fund from my parents! I think I'm gonna take €3k from it, then I have €6k left on it and actually technically I can just take the whole card. Good idea?" Technically yeah! But I can't take the emergency account card with me... I hope she'll understand. I guess we're really doing this!

"Okay. Do what you said. Luv ya! Don't pack until 2 days before, kay?!" I say. "Yeah, sure," she replies. "Gotta go! Kiss, kiss!"

Typically Marissa! Short but effective. The way I love her!

It's finally Sunday and I get the rest of my pocket money on my bank account! I have to wait until after my mom transferes the pocket money to my account because otherwise she'll see that there's like almost €9k on my account. I check my account, she didn't do it yet... The time goes by like honey would flow down a mirror, so slow! Finally I get a message. Oh, it's just from Kate. She's in my Math class. I send her the homework tips she asks for. I get another message! Finally! My money has been added to my account! I add the €8k now. Done. I get a message from Marissa. She also transferred the money... Now all to do is to wait until Saturday the 29th if June... The day we leave. Yay!

But... I just realised something! Oh my god! Shit! This is bad...

--------- SORRY. CLIFFHANGER------

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