Our first Rendezvous

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Thanks to people who read and voted and followed! <3 Love you!

Oh, PS: Genevieve is pronounced Jen-uh-veeve ;) ...............................................................

Chapter 6

"Sooo..." I say. "Today was cool!"

"Yeah. Except one thing... We are grinning like idiots and people are staring!"

"Nobody's here!" I exclaim, confused.

"Okay... That was a bad one. But still, now my mouth hurts. But it's just so awesome that we have friends now. And maybe, maybe, we can soon get a date!" Again she's grinning. "Ow. That hurt! I should stop grinning. It actually hurts the cheek muscles!"

"Yeah..." I answer, in thought. I mean, those guys were cute and Jaden was just... hot! Evan was nice too though, and he's the one who asked for my number. I do usually like blonde boys but somehow this time it's Jaden that I kinda like.

"Jem! Jem!" Sa waves her hand infront of my face.

"What the... Why are you waving your hand infront of my face?"

"Because you weren't listening and not answering!"

"Okay, what did you say?"

"I said: We should ask for the hotel bill just to see where we are. Moneywise."

"Sure." I answer, sad that I was woken up from my lovely daydream...

As we arrive at the hotel we (obviously) enter through the lobby, and there we ask the guy at the desk for the bill. (His name is John and he has a very french accent, but really the only desk person we kinda know and like is Lyla, who isn't there today).

"Do you wish to pay the bill now, or later today? When do you wish to check out because we nee-"

"Woah-hoa! We ain't goin' so fast!" Sa answers, in a quite loud voice, and like these 'sassy' americans.

"Yeah! We be stayin' here fo' some mo' time." I answer him, but in a quiter voice. Man, this is fun!

"Oh... kay..." John is obviously wierded out.

"I'm sorry..." Sa says. "We were just kidding. But not about the bill thing. We do need the bill! Just to check, ya know?"

"Yeah... yeah. Sure. All inclusive? So, with meals and stuff? Everything you did?"

"Yes... Obviously!" I answer, kind of rude...

"Okay. Here."

As we are in the room I lay the bill on the table and look at it. €756.23 . €600 for ten nights of stay and €156.23 for foods and buffets we have eaten at here. We take a look at the other bills from stuff we spent at this stay. All togethor (also counting hotel bill), we spent €813.75 . Wow. It's kinda much but we have been living quite good... Maybe it's time to leave after the course, and go camping for a week. Haha! As if.

Wait... It's actually a quite fun idea!

"Hay, Sa!"


"Maybe we should go camping after the intensive french course?"

"Hahahahahah! Funny! Wait... It's actually a good idea. Would be fun. But like, in a difference place. Maybe Italy... I've heard of this really cool lake called Lago Trasimeno where there's lots of camping place around but also moutains and stuff and you can go swimming there!"

"That sounds cool. But first we have to get camping gear... How many more days are we here?"

"Errrm..." Sa is thinking. "9 more days till the intensive french course and then 7 days of the course... That makes 16 days..."

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