Friends Friends Friends...

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Thank you everyone for reading this! I've heard that some people think the chapters are quite short so I'll try to make them longer. Please VOTE if you like it and feel free to COMMENT any suggestions you might have. This chapter might have some simple french in it. Most of it will be explained though, and if not, just visit google translate, or ask in the comment section, I will answer! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 5

Urgh! We're here for the 10th day and I had flatrates for 3G and stuff (you know, for my iPhone) like that but all of my €25 were gone for internet and phoning. Time to get a french pre-paid card! But how could I find good pre-paid cards with good prices and stuff?

"Sa." I say, trying to get her attention. We are in the hotel room and by now the people know us and it's really funny because we can speak fluent french just our grammar is a bit wrong. But... We are going to that intensive french course for one week, in one week! Yay! When that's done I'll be a pro in french. Francais sil vous plait.

"Yeah, wassup."

"I just wondered where we can get good pre-paid cards for, you know, not paying so much here!"

"Oh.. Yeah... Errhm..." I get the feeling, she doesn't really have an idea. "Maybe we can check online!" Sa exclaimes.

"Good idea!"

We go down to the computer room (where there's only 3 computers, windows vista, but whatever). They work, and that's the main thing. We check and theres one where you load money onto the card and theres lots of different options, basically the same as with mine right now. And with Sa's. She has the same as mine because she doesn't want the bill to go to her parents' house. She used to have one without pre-paid, but it's a long story...

We go to Champs Elysee (by train, and yes, we have train tickets), and sure enough; in one of the little streets by Champs Elysee there's a phone store that sells these pre-paid cards! We get €25 on them and it costs €12 for 13 days, to phone, surf and text as often as you want.

But then something comes to my mind. What if my mom tries to reach me?! I guess I'll write her an email saying my phone doesn't work. She doesn't care anyways.

We go outside, and there's a icecream parlor. Theres some really yummy... boys! Oh... My... God! Today it's quite hot, 32 degrees celcius, and they are only wearing light t-shirts. I can see the muscles underneath. As Sa rolls, she goes over to them. I just follow her, in trance, of seeing natures finest...

What the hell?! How am I thinking! I sound like in these old movies. I should stop thinking so much. Well, at least like this!

"Bon jour!" Sa says, shamelessly flirting, twirling her hair around her finger. She continues.

"Ou est les mecs chauds de la ville?"

"Ehrm. Bon jour!" The one with the cute brown eyes and luscious brwon hair says. In a... suprisingly american accent.

"Parlez-vous anglais?" I say, maybe they do.

"Oui, oui!" The blonde one says, sounding a bit desperate.

"Oh, we speak english too." Sa jumps in.

"Good." The blonde one says. "So... What was that about hottest guys here or so? If you asked that, the answer is obviously us."

"Hey, I'm Jaden. He's Evan." So, the brown haired one is Jaden and the other one is Evan.

"I'm Jemma and-" "I'm Marissa. But everyone calls me Sa,"

"Nice names."

"Thanks!" I answer.

"Sooo." This is awkward!

"Could I have your number?" Evan asks me. I give him and Jaden my new number and Sa does too.

As soon as we are about 2 streets away: "Oh. My. Gosh!" Sa squeals. "Our first friends in Paris! And they are sooo cute!"

"Sa... You do know they aren't french, right?"

"Yeah, it's not like I'm dumb, ya-"

"Sa, take... care." Too late. She walked right into the lamp post. Way to prove a point!

"Ouch! Whatever. Our time in Paris is awesome and it's gonna stay awesome."

"Wanna go to the movies?"

"Sure that you're ready, after, you know..."

"Yeah, I'm with you, and it's not like that'll happen again so soon!"

"Okay, let's go!!!"

We go to the movies. The ads start. I gotta say; popcorn (sweet and salty), nachos with the cheese sauce and Sa, this is life!

The movie was quite good. 'The Bling Ring' with Emma Watson. It was something where you could laugh so much, but also you could... laugh!

Luckily there weren't many people, so we didn't get shushed alot.

Now we are in the train, next to some lesbian hipsters (I'm not homophobic or anything, just saying, they're making it very obvious), and talking about the movie.

"Oh, hello." One girl of the couple is saying to us in a british accent.

"Hi..." Sa answeres.

The other one whispers something to her in french.

"Parlez-vous francais?" I ask the one who just whispered and has long blonde hair.

"Oui. Mais nous visitons 'L'ecole Anglais a Paris'. LAP."

"Oh, so we can speak english."

"Yeah. Like I already said, we go to the english school here. I know english since I'm 3 years old!"

"And I know english since I'm 7. That's when I first came, in year 2."

"Can we have your numbers?" I suddenly blurt out.

"Well yeah... Sure." The one with short brown hair says.

"Erm, just so you know," the blonde one says. "I'm Lilly and she-" (she points to the brown-reddish haired one) "She is Alana."

"How do you spell that?" Sa asks.

"Lilly is L-I-L-L-Y. Alana is A-L-A-N-A."

"Thanks. I just wanted to be sure!" Sa quickly adds.

"Okay, this is our stop." I say, kind of interrupting, but, whatevs.

"Bye!!!" Sa and I both say at the same time.

"Hey Jem..." Sa slowly continues. "I gave them our new numbers too. That means also yours, is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure, whatevs."

"You know," she keeps on babbling. "For lesbians they sure are very nice. And they were so hipsterish. I always thought hipsters were, you know, all nature and culture and so but they were nice!"

"Yeah..." I answer, finally being able to speak. "They were. And so were the boys! We made lots of friends today!"

"Yes! We finally have friends here!" Sa and I walk away, grinning like idiots...

I hope this chapter was good and that you liked it. Also, I tried to make it longer :D <3 luv ya guys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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