SHE HAS..................

4 0 0

She has...........

stage 3 cancer. we aren't sure how long she has yet but we will in about 1 week or 2.

i dropped the phone and started crying and shaking.

as soon as i was done freaking out i automatically called Johnny.




i started speaking so fast.

woah woah woah calm down your acting like mom just died.

she is.


she has stage 3 cancer.

she can fight it.

nope we can't afford it and she apparently has had it for 3 years!!!

i will be there tomorrow.

no you don't then he hung up.

hey sweetie what's wrong?

i threw myself in her arms you have stage 3 mom you have it.

i couldn't stop crying

i need to sit down.

don't worry mom we will get through this we're gonna fight.



it's my time.


the mom i know would fight so until you find that woman i don't know who you are.

so please go find my mom someone i don't wanna lose but i think i already lost.


NO only my mom calls me that so go find my freaking mom or just don't talk to me!!!!!!!!!!

i ran up the stairs balling my eyes out.

I thought to myself how come she doesn't love us enough to stay, why does she want to leave us.

mom went to her room as well.

*door bell rings.

i've got it i yell running down the stairs red as heck and tears still falling from my eyes.

i opened the door.

Hey beautiful! it was Will.

i'm not beautiful i look like crap.

hey what's wrong?

she wont fight, SHE WONT FIGHT i shouted with lot's of anger in my voice.

hey let's sit down.

who wont fight?

mom. who is she fighting?

not who what and that what is stage 3 cancer.

oh my gosh he said as i put my face in his chest balling.

how long?

they wont know for a bit.

how long has she had it then?

*sniffle 3 freaking years. she has been coughing blood without telling me for 3 freaking years.

i just want her to fight but she wont because she apparently doesn't love us enough.

or she knows that she will be in a better place in less pain, and if it helps she raised a beautiful, strong, smart, brave young woman who can take care of her brother.

thankyou! and maybe but i just don't want her to go i can't lose someone else..

i know, come here baby girl come here he kissed my head.

look it will be okay she is a fighter even if she isn't fighting she can't help but to naturally do it.


yeah i know it didn't really make sense but still.

why are you here?


i don't deserve you o your hugs or your kindness or support but your always there for me.

hey you deserve everything that is beautiful and right in the world.

and if i were you i wouldn't want my mom leaving and the last memory being us fighting.

your right, I'll be right back.


yes sweetie.

i'm sorry i said crying with my arms open and walking toward her.

hey hey hey i don't blame you at all and i should be the one apologizing.


because you already have like a million things on your plate that only mothers should do and now you have to take care of your mother.

i will have help from Ethan and i'm getting a job.

wait Ethan we have to tell him.

you go find a job i will tell him.

i love you so so so much mom.

i love you more baby girl.


i got a full time job at a construction sight working from 8:00 P.m. til 4:00 a.m so just enough time to go to school. i start monday

next day.......

Ethan time for school. k let me say bye to mom.

love you mom *kisses her cheek bye.

bye guys have fun! oh Katy you forgot your lunch.

no i don't need it.

so i walk into the science lab and start cleaning and then i sit down.

hey stranger.

hey Dylan.

Guess what!!!


Ashley is going to be in this class and we're going to be partners.


hey did you already clean?

oh i was here early so yeah.

oh cool..

skip to lunch......

Ashley: hey where's your lunch sweets?

Me: oh um i don't want lunch today.

Will: hey how are you? *sits next to me

Me: me? great fine peachy!

Will: Katelyn?

ME: so i got a job.

Will looked at me because he knew why i changed the subject.

Ashley: can you come to the bathroom with me please?

me: but i don't have to.

Ashley: KATELYN.

Me: maybe a tinkle.

what's wrong?

my mom.

i explained.

oh my gosh! i'm so sorry.

does will know?

he was there right after i found out.

oh my gosh!

hey sorry for the short chapter but my laptop died and i forgot to write more before publishing.

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