still CHAPTER 5

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Yes i know that i sort of have a crush but only a crush on him i just think that we are too young and we just met i mean i need to focus on college and i am only 16 yes i will be seventeen in three weeks but i dont like rushing into things you know?

so after he said that i blushed and walked in my house it was around seven thirty and guess who was waiting for me nope not my mom,

what are you doing Johnathan?

do you have any idea what time it is? oh yea arrow time. yup let's watch.

we watched arrow even though i kinda prefer the flash but we watched it and after it was over he quickly turned it off and started to drill me on what we did tonight.

well we went and got fro yo and talked for a little bit i mean we were only gone for an hour and 15 minutes.

true true. so i got us tickets to the last one direction concert until they come back in 2017 which they will come back they promised that they wont stop singing until they can't.

really?!?!?! oh my gosh i love one direction and i'm so sad they are taking a break but at least it's just a break and they aren't quitting bc louis said they all are very passionate about this band which is awesome!

i also got us vip backstage passes. i'm gonna meet one direction! wow i'm gonna meet one direction!

wait when and where is the show? new york and in two weeks. did you ask mom?

yup and she said yes! wow i'm gonna meet louis niall harry and liam oh my gosh!

*30 minutes went by*

*yawn i am super tired i think i'm gonna hit the hay. okay goodnight don't let the bed bugs bite.

ok thx!

next day.......

i woke up to a really soft guitar playing and i was confused as to who it was.

good morning not so sunshine.

it was Johnny he is a musical major in college and he wanted to be my alarm this morning i guess bc he even turned my alarm off.

what time is it i said in my morning/yawning voice while rubbing my eyes.

it is 6:45 what? i have to take a shower and get dressed etc..... i only have 20 minutes.

no school starts at 8:30. no your college might but mine starts at 7:30 and i have to be really early.

oh sorry. your fine just hurry up and wake up Ethan please.

i got dressed and hopped in taylor fun fact Johnny gave me Taylor. anyway i was warming her up when Ethan runs out and yells step on it he is so eager to get to school.

hey i invited jade over tonight to meet Johnny so don't embarrass me please?

me embarrass you? i never embarrass you you embarrass me i replied

true. we show up at school at exactly 7:10 yes! i say happy that i am not late.

okay well i have to get to science so come on lil bro gotta make sure you get there safely.

see this is why i secretly asked Johnny to take me lastnight.

what? you asked johnny to take you? i'm not talking to you. i shunned him and walked off.

i'm so happy that we only have a half day today bc spring break starts today!

skip walking to class...

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