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Today's the day i say sadly as i wake up from my slumber, it's the Funeral i say trying to hold back tears and i was successful.

as i get out of bed and start to head out of my room my phone beeps, it's 1 text from Will and another from Ashley.

ASHLEY: hey sweetie i will be over in 5 minutes just let me get my shoes on.

i replied with an okay.

Will: hey honey just wanted to see if your okay.

im fine thankyou!

no problem!

i head downstairs and walk towards the door knowing that ashley will be here soo and as soon as my hand touches the knob she knocks and i immediately opened the door.

that was fast she said.

my hand was on the knob.

are you psychic?

enough to know that you had a kale salad for breakfast.

woah! how d- i interrupted her, your Snapchat story.

oh you freaked me out for a moment there.

your so blonde.

hey that is a stereotype and technically i am blonde so hmm.


shut up she said chuckling.

so let's hear you sing.

um okay hold on let me grab my guitar.

i sang.

i have known you for 17 years and it still amazes me how beautiful your voice is.

awe! thanks!

your very welcome she said grinning revealing a dimple so i let out a dimple faced smile.

we're corny aren't we?

yes she replied laughing.

we're like a newly wed couple.

i know right!!!!!!!

we laughed for a minute before she started talking seriously.

you could become famous.

no no no you know i never want to become famous no too much hate for someone is is too weak to handle it.

your not weak, your the strongest woman i know she continued.

ditto i said.

thanks Kate! your welcome.

well i think you could be famous.

okay so what are you gonna wear? i asked changing the subject.

you know that black lace dress i got at rue 21 a couple weeks ago?




i looked down at my feet still feeling sad.

hey your doing great plus you are allowed to be sad.

yes i know but i have to stay strong for Ethan and Johnny and will and you and Dylan and mom a- stop Ashley said interrupting me.


you don't have to act brave for us we would love you even if you cried over a flower falling on the floor because it was your mom's Funeral.

but that's pathetic.

exactly it's only pathetic to people who don't care about you but we're not those people.

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