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Katelyn p.o.v

I wake up to my alarm going off and I am doing the usual what time is it and asking myself the day lol!

Well it turned out to be 6:00 a.m. and I was so tired I am pretty sure I'm not wearing mascara on one eye!

So as I'm getting dressed I notice that I'm not being annoyed. OH NO! I forgot to wake Ethan up for school he could be late BC of me. Eh oh well I said to myself as I walked down the hall to my bros room

In case your wondering I live in Tennessee so I have a thick draw and but I don't notice it that much lol!

So I ft Ashley to wake her up and guess who was in my room!

Yup Ashley. Um Ashley. Yes. You do know you have to knock to come in my house don't you?

Oh yea I totally forgot! Really? Cause you have been forgetting for seven years lol!

Well maybe I just don't know how to knock! Really because your knocking my brain right now with your excuses.

Then my mom tells " ya'll have to leave in ten minutes" ugh k let's go get my little bro and blow this popsicle stand!

K. "Ethan we're leaving" I say as I run down the stairs and he is excited for the first day back BC he is in highschool now weirdo!

" coming just one sec". What the Hungarian fruit flies are you wearing?

Oh me I just threw this on! Oh OK did you happen to look at it first?

He was totally dressed like a five year old trying to look cool for his crush and that means that's what people will remember him as so I have t save my lil bro.

OK lose the leather jacket comb your hair then fluff it and no rings! Magnificent!

Ugh why did you do that? I'm a highschool girl I know what they like and it's not that see now you look kinda cool you squirt.

Really I look cool? Don't get a big head you won't be able to fit out the door now come on and get in the truck.

I drive an old red pick up with a lil bit of rust but I love it! Taylor is my little baby

Taylor (my truck) she is a beaut!

And off to school I park and then you will never believe what Ethan said to his popular older sister he said and I quote "can you give me like a fifteen seconds headstart?". And then I said " um you do know me and Ashley are quite popular and if people see you with us you will be too don't you?". Well yeah but it's not cool to hang with the older sis. Ugh well just for that I'm forcing you to go to the mall with me Friday and I'm snapchatting it and posting but to facebook. Ya And I will tweet about it said Ashley!

We all laughed. Skip to first period............

So me and Ashley were walking to math when we saw a kid named Addie being bullied BC she has two different colored eyes well I happen to think your beautiful we said I mean honestly she is I wish I looked like her no lie or sarcasm there.

Skip school it's all just boring lol.......

So we were leaving school when I saw Ethan talking to Jade and I was like 🙎🙎 and I whispered a song to him it went ooh Ethan's got a girlfriend over and over again and he blushed.

Relax she is just my science partner ya'll are reading way too much into things. mmhmm sure we are like you don't have the slightest crush on her I mean she is really pretty!! SSH he shouted as we laughed........

Next day............

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