Chapter 8

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Ella's P.O.V

It's been a month and my relationship with Spencer is starting to drift off. Everything is falling to pieces and making me wince for not being able to pick the pieces left behind. All I knew is that I'm over Cody... I don't feel the same...


I'm not lying I'm telling the truth...

As I sat on our own spot and waited for Spencer to come and he's late again. I noticed that he's always late and sometimes he's cancelling it. It's annoying the life out of me. I glance at my watch it's already half past nine and I needed to go home now, with no hesitation, I grabbed my bag and walk off. Sighing and started to drive away,

Cody's P.O.V

I went inside Leron's house as it's unlock and I was planning something when I heard kissing coming from the living room and I had a peak on who's in here and I can't believe at what I saw. Spencer and Leron making out. I smirk; this is my chance on getting my girl back. This is my chance to get the missing puzzle piece back and solve my puzzle.

''Leron'' I faked hurt and they stopped and Leron look at me. I pulled on my hurt face but inside me I'm laughing at her priceless face.

''Cody'' She said running over to me and I shook her off and walk off and smirk

''Cody let me explain!'' She said grabbing my arm but I jerked it away.

''Explain what? That it wasn't what it looks like? That you're trying to take something off of his eyes? Leron, you're a cheater. I can't believe you, what happened huh? I loved you and gave you everything you want and this? How could you, we're over'' With that I walk off with a smile. Leron job done... but wait, isn't Spencer...He's cheating on her!

I turned around to face them and saw Spencer.

''And you! Don't you have a girlfriend?'' I asked him

''I do and she wouldn't know if you wouldn't tell her'' He said coolly and I chuckled bitterly.

''Yeah right, you do know that you're hurting her right? Where's that loyal attitude of yours?  You cheated on your girlfriend with my ex-girlfriend. Shame'' I said

''You're going to tell her?'' He asked

''I might and I think I have the right to'' I said

''As if she's going to believe you'' He pointed... right of course Ella won't believe in me.

''Yeah right, well then see you around'' I said before driving away.

Ella’s P.O.V

‘’No Lance, I don’t wanna be the clingy girlfriend alright’’ I snap at him.

‘’You have to, he didn’t call or text you last night’’ Lance said and I rolled my eyes.

‘’Whatever, I’ll wait, I mean I texted him for twenty times and called him ten times last night’’ I said and he sigh.

‘’I have this feelings that he’s cheating on you’’ He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

‘’He isn’t, Lance drop it’’ I sternly said and walk away and bump into someone.

‘’Oh shi-sorry’’ I said meeting up with the aquatic blue eyes bored into my brown ones… Awkward.

‘’Sorry’’ He mumble.

‘’It’s alright’’ I smiled and he smiled back. Let me rephrase this, I may still have a little feelings for this Aussie but it wouldn’t change a thing.

Pretending(Sequeal to Hurt Lovers)[Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now