Chapter 5- Filler Chapter

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So basically this chapter is about the Lance and Cody talk so basically this is just a filler chapter and I hope you’re okay with that .


Cody’s P.O.V

After dancing with leron and seeing Ella kissed Spencer it made my heart fall to pieces and I hate to admit that I hated it. I hated every bits of it and knowing that they both like each other. I should brushed her off my mind. It’s the new chapter of my life I have to admit to myself that we will never be together and she’s out of my life now and that this is the new chapter of nothing.

I heard Leron excused herself and I let her go and I spotted Lance looking like a lost puppy so I thought I will come by and say hi or something,

But deep inside you just want to ask where Ella is…

No, that’s not the reason I just wanted to..

Ask where Ella is if she’s still breathing

Great, now I’m having a conversation with myself. I brush it off and walk at Lance and he smiled at me and I smiled back.

‘’hey have you seen Ella anywhere?’’ He asked I was just about to ask that.

‘’No uh, can I ask you something?’’ I asked

‘’Sure’’’ He said waiting for me to say something.

‘’It’s about Ella….’’ I trailed off and he waited for me to finish my sentence ‘’Is she really with Spencer? I mean, does he treat her right?’’

‘’Oh that… I guess if you open your eyes and ears. Of course spencer treat her right and I can tell that you still have feelings for her?’’ He asked and I don’t know what to say.

‘Cody you don’t need to deny it.. It’s written all over your face that you still have feelings for my main bitch. To top it off, I’ll give you a hint on what’s her status with Spence and a hint on Ella’s move… its T on the fourth letter and N on the last two. ‘’ He said I was about to say something when I heard screaming and I heard Ella’s voice and I followed it and that’s when I saw Ella straddle on the poor thing..I mean straddle on Leron and I had to break it off. Spencer pulled Ella away and I did the same to Leron. My mind is on the other side of the world when I replayed Lance’s word what is he trying to say? What does he mean by it? I’m curious.. 

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