Chapter 18

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The last chapter will not be uploaded for awhile due to vacation being over and I have limited time on the computer and such. Plus...SUSPENSE. WTF HAPPENS NEXT CHAPTER?! IDK YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE :D

Dedicated tolove_130 for reading all the way and commenting a lot! Thank you!



Zero's POV

I woke in the late afternoon, yawning as I tried to wake myself up completely. Sammy wasn't laying beside me. She must have already awaken and ate breakfast or something. New humane habits again I guess are probably strange for her.

My eyes drooped; I fell asleep once again.


My eyes flew open, hearing a loud crash in the kitchen had awoken me. Although, I wasn't full awake for my body to be moving, so when I stood up immediately and tried to move forward, black clouded my vision. I simply moved forward. I had lived in this place long enough to know where my steps would take me. Although...something had changed obviously. Something broke, but what?

I didn't have enough time to ask myself this as well as the other question- where had it broke? Too late. I hissed in pain as my foot came down on broken glass, my vision finally clearing since I had stopped. Foot in hand as I jumped backwards, I looked down at the broken glass vase in the hallway leading from our bedroom to the main room we reserved for the living room. Sammy was no where in sight. Was she getting a broom or something? That wasn't exactly what mattered right now; I was more concerned about my foot and what had caused the vase to fall over. My feet stumbled back, sending me hitting into a wall. They gave out, my whole body sinking to the floor as I stared at my foot, the pain making my whole leg go numb. Glass shards stuck out jagged from my foot, bloody and sharp.

Where was Sammy?

When I woke once again, my head was spinning, blood forming a small puddle around my foot; I must have passed out. The jagged shard of glass protruded from my foot, reminding me of fangs. I ripped it out, pain swelling but I ignored it. Sammy. Where was my Sammy? I stumbled through the kitchen, trying to find where she could be with my mind going wild, my heart racing as I went to the worst conclusions. She left you. She decided someone like Kaname Kuran was better. She never loved you.

She's gone.

Sammy was gone.

You're all alone.

And I could have never felt more cold and alone then I ever had been.

I didn't like this feeling. I didn't like it at all. Walking at the fastest pace that I could with my injured foot, tore the phone from it's stand, dialing her cell phone. It rang, going to voice mail after 5 rings. I hung up and redialed, not giving up until she would pick up. Finally, after six continuous tries, the ring tone ended, calm breathing on the other end of the phone.

"Hello?" Sammy's calm voice cooed. "Zero?"

"Where are you for fucks sake?!" I shouted into the phone, enraged with how calm she sounded. She shrieked a little at my reaction, probably trying to make me quiet down since everyone around her probably could hear me loud and clear.

"Z-zero, calm down!" She cried, trying to whisper-yell in that strange way teenagers do. Like it'll make you any quieter.

I hissed into the phone, "Where the hell have you been all this time?!"

A Vampire's Promise (Sequel to-Lost in a Frozen World)Where stories live. Discover now