Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:

I walked along the cold dirty tiles of the main corridor, footprints imprinted with mud. One side of the corridor had dozens of pale blue lockers. The other side had small classrooms. A crush of slutty girls walked past, wearing booty shorts and skirts. They wore bright lipsticks and false eyelashes.

I felt out of place and very self conscious. Even with a thick coverage of foundation on my face, the bruises couldn't hide. I looked at the crumbled piece of paper in my right hand, using it for guidance. My classes for this week were printed on the sheet. I walked my way to the room 56. I stopped at the door and stood there while more people walked past. Laughing and sneering. A couple of sleazy boys winked at me. I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. I wanted to go home. It took all my willpower not to run out of the building.

The bell for class rang. I stood in front of the classroom awkwardly as my English teacher introduced me to my class. I looked around, unsure where to sit. I walked to the back of the classroom and sat at a empty desk.

A boy and a girl a few desks in front of me were arguing. The boy yelled before slamming his books on the spare seat beside mine. He sat down, before putting his head in his hands. His hair. It was full and his ears were pierced with cubic-zirconium studs in each ear.

His face looked smooth. The instant smell of strong cologne and shampoo hit me. The boy on the principals pin board. He suddenly looked at me, and noticed I was staring. His jawline was extraordinarily defined.

I looked away and quickly started writing the notes down on the whiteboard. I felt his somewhat intense stare drown me. The bell rang for recess. After that there were 2 more periods, then lunch and another 2. The day felt long and dragged out.

I was walking home slowly, it was a long walk, the sun close to setting. The slightly cool breeze caused me to shiver miraculously. My thin cardigan practically doing nothing to keep out the growing cold of the night. There were a few shouts and the sound of jogging footsteps. I breathed in and pressed my back against a wooden fence. It sounded like a couple of teenage boys. I was beginning to panic. I didn't dare to even move. My fingers numb and my knees weak. The atmosphere changing rapidly into cold and suffocating. The footsteps where coming closer. It was already dark when I saw the drunk group of boys, about 4, turning the corner where I was. They didn't notice me, to wasted to be able to walk. I walked breathlessly down the pathway before there was a yank of my arm.

I swallowed deeply and turned around. The guy grinned before grabbing both my wrist and pinning me against a brick wall. The other two guys were encouraging him. It all happened so suddenly I didn't- couldn't- process it. His intoxicated breath hit against the crook of my neck as he spoke, "What is a pretty girl like you doing out here alone?"

I shivered as I tried to twist my wrist out of his painful grip. "Answer me," He shouted, straddling me against the wall even tighter.

I couldn't reply, the lump in my throat was growing. A vision of Brett's horrific face flashed through my mind. I was again helpless. He stroked my face and smirked. His touch felt like bugs were crawling up my skin.

I had to get to the orphanage. I screamed out loudly, until my throat felt raw with strain. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst when there was a loud growl and the guy's hands were released of my wrist. My eyes shot wide opened. A tall figure was standing opposite him. I looked around to see the other 3 guys weren't in sight.

What happened the next following seconds were insane. The figure pushed the creepy guy onto the floor. There were grunts and blood gushing out of his nose and mouth as he was beaten to near death. I screamed out before starting to run towards home. A few metres ahead I felt my bare elbows and knees scrap against the rough concrete. I must've stayed there for minutes. Laying on the cold hard pathway. Feeling my whole world spin.

I was grateful, that I was saved from near death by a psychopath, but I also felt very afraid from him. He was able to almost kill somebody with his bare hands. My breathing wouldn't stop.

My breaths were short and shallow. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed with complete and utter fear that I wanted to disappear into thin air. I struggled to picked myself up. The sharp pain of my ribs caused me to throw up all of my lunch and breakfast.

When I got to the orphanage I didn't bother greeting anybody, I just went to my room and sat on my bed, in the dark. I expected that guy to burst in my room and finish what he started. Everybody was having dinner so they didn't come to my room to check on me, and I was glad. My life has changed so much in these couple of weeks. I just couldn't deal with anything. I felt so empty inside. There was no emotion left in me. I curled up into a ball and pulled the blanket covers over me. I couldn't sleep that night at all, the whole scene replayed in my head repeatedly forcing its way into my dreams.

I couldn't help but think of that guy that save me. I mean why would he save me. Me a completely messed up girl who deserved to get raped by a bunch of creepy men, I thought. I've caused so much distort and trouble in my family I was beginning to question why I was even born.


Lets just say this has been the WORST chapter I've written so far. I had a huge writers block so I decided to do anything at all. So I did. And I hoped you liked it.


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