Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

The next day of school was what I was most nervous about. Not only did I wake up screaming and wailing extremely loudly from a very realistic nightmare but my mind was churning with involuntary thoughts. I tried acting like I catched the fever so I wouldn't have to go school but Lucille wouldn't have it, she pulled me out of of bed and made me some tea. But the tea was bitter so I poured it down the sink and ate a biscuit instead. I clearly decided not to walk from school to home any longer.

My first lesson was Phys Ed, the subject I dreaded the most. The coach, whose name I didn't know, told us to jog around the oval 3 times. I wasn't in the mood to jog so I told him that I have a bad knee. I walked along the muddy way taking in the somewhat musty breeze while humming quietly a random tune.

Someone jogged towards me and tapped on my shoulder. I turned around cautiously only to see a girl with red shoulder-length hair and hazel eyes. I was relieved that it wasn't who I thought it was. "Hey you know theres a short cut, right?" She said her eyes twinkling.

I shook my head, then she grabbed my arm and lead me to a narrow trail surrounded by bushes.

We went though a flimsy metal fence with a large hole in it that lead to a large park filled with trees and people. In the centre was a big fountain with people sitting on it. I gasped as I looked around captured by the relaxing aura surrounding us.

"I always take this way during track, I found it here a couple of years ago. Cool, right?" She said, her voice sounding calm.

I nodded with a, "It's actually really..beautiful."

It was weird, I was skipping class on the second day of school with a random girl who has a tongue piercing.

"Why'd you take me here?" I wondered aloud as we were in line at a Shaved Ice vendor cart.

She turned towards me and said forwardly, "I don't know, you seem like a cool person. I thought maybe you'd like it, you know?"

"Oh, well uh-thanks. So are we in the same classes?"

"A few, I think." She said shortly before turning towards the store vendor, "One purple and- what would you like?" I shrugged so she bought me a mixed cup.

We walked around on the clean pathways of the park, digging into our cups, and talking about our classes and the weather. She did seem like a really interesting person.

She paused at one point and said quietly, "Not many people like me Peyton."

I had no idea what she meant so I said, "Why not?"

She looked up, her expression changing, "I guess they think I'm some sort of a slut."

I didn't know why she was telling me all this. I didn't even know her name for heavens sake, but I immediately knew that she wasn't one of them fake narcissistic girls.

"I'm gonna pay you back for this," I said gesturing to the wet cup in my hand.

She said OK and that we should be going back go class so we did.

This time we took a different passage, one about 50 metres away from the entrance.

"This will lead us to the end of the track and since Coach T doesn't really record times or anything we are totally safe." She half-whispered as we heard a couple of people jog past from the thick plants we were hiding upon. She held my wrist and jogged casually along the track once again. Just then the whistle blew and the coach yelled out, "Okay guys, go get changed. And remember, the annual sports day is coming soon, give in your permission notes by Monday!" The girl grinned at me and whispered knowingly, "What did I tell you?"

I snorted feeling a strange sense of joy in weeks overcome me. She then picked up her bag and walked away. I quickly half-called, "What's your name again," after her.

She looked back and said, "Mary-anne, see you later."

I waved goodbye and walked to the change rooms. I half-smiled towards the ground, its only my second day here at Bridgeport High and I have already made an acquaintance

I changed into my normal clothes quickly before walking to recess. I sat underneath a tree and read a book silently. It was until I head a loud voice coming from the other side of the tree. I peeped back to see a male figure sitting down covering his, what seemed like a, cigarette with the palm of his hand as he lit it up. He inhaled deeply before blowing it, a whiff of a thick tobacco scent coming from behind me. I grimaced at the smell causing him to look back at me, startled. He blew out the reminder smoke slowly as he looked at me with a dark expression. I immediately knew who it was, that boy.

He smirked before getting up and sitting beside me, holding his bag with two fingers. He was extremely strong and had a slick way of moving towards me.

He dropped his bag and smirked, "Hey, you're the new girl in my class aren't you?"

His thick, sexy voice sent shivers down my spine. I nodded and looked away, closing my opened book.

"My name's Mason," he continued and held out a hand towards me. His hands were big and rough-looking. I ignored it but seeing his annoyed expression I quickly added, "I'm Peyton, I just moved here from a couple of suburbs away."

He nodded knowingly before his eyes landing on my book, "The Silver Linings Playbook, you're into that stuff huh? I'm not much of a reader myself."

"Why?" I nonchalantly added,

so he laughed and said, "Why, I don't have the time."

He looked deeply into my eyes, his eyes were suddenly dark. I felt really uncomfortable so I looked down at the leaf litter below us.

Something caught my eye. His knuckles. They were scratched with deep, red cuts. Fresh cuts. My heart was beating quickly and so was my breathing.

He noticed what I was looking at and chuckled sinisterly, "Let's just say yesterday wasn't my best."

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