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*ring ring ring*

"Ughh." I reached over for my phone and saw my mom calling.

And before I even say a word- ," AMELIA! ARE YOU AWAKE? TELL ME YOU'RE AT SCHOOL." She screamed in the phone so loudly, I nearly dropped my phone.

"What why." I groaned. I could not stand my mother right now. She was pratically screaming so loud at me, my brain and ears can't stand it. Its like I have woken up with a bad hangover.

You stayed up late last night watching Greys remember?

Crap. I never allow myself to stay up late because I always need atleast 7 hours of sleep. Or else it would be bad.


I quickly looked at my phone and see 7 missed called and 3 voice mails from my driver. Crap I am in so much trouble.


"OH I HAVE TO GO BYE MOM." I quickly ended the call and dialed my best friend Jen.

"Hello?" She answered. She is always in a good mood. Unless she's stressing out or something. Its annoying.

"Yeah hey, are you still at home?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why? I'm leaving in like 5-10 minutes though." She said.

"Yeah... I kinda need you to pick me up. Just for today! Because I woke up late and my mom started yelling at me and I can't handle it cause I feel like I have a huge headache." I rambled.

"Stayed up late?" She guessed.

"You know me so well." I sigh, getting out of bed.

"Get ready, I'll be there in 10." She told me and ended the call.

I'm honestly greatful to have Jen as my bestfriend. She gets me all the time and I'm not afraid to ask her for anything. Even though she is super annoying and I can't stand her most of the time, I still love her.

I quickly got ready and right when I was putting my shoes on, Jen texted me, telling me she was waiting in front of my house.

I grabbed my backpack and walked to her car. Honestly I don't know why I haven't started driving yet. It would be so convenient. I wouldn't have to have a driver and I wouldn't have to ask Jen to take me to school.

"I prepared you a bagel since I know that you were rushing to get ready, you didn't have time for breakfast." She smiled.

"Thank you so much. Oh my god." I grabbed the bagel and started spreading the cream cheese. After eatting the bagel, Jen made me take some advil just in case my headache would come back.

Once we arrived school, Jen parked her car and we walked in the hall towards our lockers. There, we found Ashley and Lily.

"Amelia! Jen! Where were you guys?" Lily hugged us. Lily was one our bestfriends too. She was pretty, shy and smart. Curly ginger hair with cute freckles on her face. However she straightened it today. She was athletic just like me and we were gonna do waterpolo together. Lily was kind of a girly girl and loves doing her hair and makeup.

"Hey." Ashley says. On the other hand, Ashley was short and super shy. She is a bit awkward but once you get to you know her she is super cool. She listens more than she talks and she's super cute. Everyone thinks she's adorable. She has medium straight black asian hair and she never had a bad hair day. It was so straight and thin. Ashley would always wear skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Her outfit would always be black or gray. Sometimes blue skinny jeans but that is rare.

Oh also about Jen. Jen was one of my bestfriends and she's tall. She's taller than all of us and also the oldest. She usually dyes her hair so she's a ginger right now but naturally she has dark drown asian hair. She's super annoying but funny. I literally can't stand her butt but I'm greatful for her.

"I woke up late and Jen had to come pick me up." I explained to them. We talked for a bit and then had to grab our books.

The bell soon rang and I walked to class. I was fast walking until someone ran into me making me fall on the ground. I looked up only to find Johnny. Johnny was just an athletic guy that was one of my classmates.

"Oh sorry about that." Johnny smiled lending me a hand. I grabbed it and stood up, brushing the dust off of me.

"No its fine. Sorry." I said.

Standing close by was his bestfriend, Seth.

"Johnny. What are you doing." He seems mad.

"Just helping out Amelia. I bumped into her." He looked at Seth who was now coming towards me.

"Stop being near my bestfriend." He warned me. "Who cares. Just leave her. Lets go, we're gonne be late." Seth walks into the classroom.

"What's up with him?" Johnny asks but its more of talking to himself. "Sorry again. See you in class." He walked away.

Geez. What is Seth's problem? I didn't even do anything wrong. I quickly walked to class and took my seat.


Lunch soon rolled its way around and I found myself sitting with my bestfriends not eatting a single bite of my lunch. I was just sitting there thinking about what I have done to cause Seth to act so cold like that.

"Is she okay?" Lily whispered loudly to Jen and Ashley.

"I think she's thinking about something." Ashley said.

"No shit." Jen rolled her eyes.

"Amelia. You okay? You haven't had a single bite and we're kinda worried." Lily looked at me.

I looked at them and smiled. I liked the fact that they were worried about me but I didn't want to trouble them some more.

"Sorry guys. I was just thinking." I started eatting my salad. I decided to tell them so they could figure out what I had done wrong since they're with me most of the time.

Soon the bell rang signaling us to go to our class. I said goodbye to the girls and quickly walk to class. Hopefully I won't bump into Johnny or Seth again.


After school I met up with everyone and walked to the girls locker room. Lily and I had to change for waterpolo practice since we're on the team together. Practice starts half an hour after school but we like to go change right after school because its easier that way. Jen and Ashley comes with us and watches us practice because they usually get picked up half an hour after school.

Just as I walked out of the girls locker room towards the pool I see Seth and Johnny. Johnny was smiling at me and Seth just gave me a dirty look. I didn't know what that look meant, all I knew was that I didn't like it.


Hey guys! This is my new book called Stupid Addiction. The title may seem lame but I promise when you read more of the story you will get why it's called Stupid Addiction. This is a book dedicated to my friend (you know who you are). I hope you enjoy it!

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