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Unlike yesterday, I actually woke up early today. Thank god I was able to sleep early last night or else I would've had my mom calling me and screaming at me right now.

Yesterday after wopo practice, I went home and was in huge trouble with my mom. But I was too sore to explain or say anything so I let my mom have it her way. After half an hour of lecturing me and all of that, she realized that I was super tired and I was in need of a hot shower and some dinner. So while I was showering, my mom prepared dinner for me.

Back to the morning, I got out of bed and got ready for school. After getting ready and eatting breakfast, I was driven to school.

I said goodbye to my driver and headed towards my locker. I walked over to Ashley and Lily.

"Hey! You're early today. Mom yelled at you?" Lily asked.

"I just don't want to be late and bother Jen again." I rolled my eyes. "By the way, wheres Jen?" I asked.

"She's not here yet. You know her. She's either super early or late. Theres no in between."

"Hey Ashley!" I hugged her.

"Heyy." She smiled and hugged me back. Ashley is honestly so cute.

Even though I dread going to history class since Seth is in that class, I had no choice but to go.

Wait, why am I avoiding Seth? Its not my fault! I didn't do anything. Its his fault for making me think and go crazy. I honestly can think of a reason why he's mad at me.

I took my seat and saw Seth already ready to start class. Seth had brown messy hair, glasses, and was a really fast swimmer and a good wopo player. He's smart too but sometimes... He can be annoying. I use to talk to Seth but I guess we kinda stopped. People say he's a dick which is true but I've never talked to him a lot in order to classify him as one.


History class was such a long class, I honestly wanted to fall asleep. Although I have to pay attention because good grades are really important to me.

Soon it was lunch time and I was sitting with the girls talking about random crap.

"I'm so sore from practice yesterday." Lily frowned.

"Me too." I layed my head down on Lily's shoulder.

Ashley and Jen looked at eachother and laughed. "Thank god we didn't take any sports. Netflix and eatting for life." Jen said and highfived Ashley.

"Screw you! We get hot guys." Lily winked and clicked with her mouth.

"Oh my god YUSSSS. Did you see Nick's abs yesterday it was so hot." I remembered from yesterday's practice.

"Coocoo coocoo." Jen laughed and I threw a grape at her.

The bell soon rang and I had english with Jen and sadly... Seth. Ok honestly it has been driving me crazy. I really don't know what I did to make him mad like that. I mean... Maybe he doesn't want Johnny to have another bestfriend? Or maybe he's gay for Johnny? Could that be it? Don't be so ridiculous. Well I mean its possible.

"Hey Jen." I looked over at Jen who was on her phone. She looked up at me waiting for me to ask or tell her whatever that is on my mind. "Do you think Seth is gay for Johnny?" I asked.

"AHAHAHAHAHA. What makes you think that?" She laughed loudly.

"What do you mean? I mean.. I can't think of any reason for him to act so rude when I was near Johnny. Its not that I like Johnny or anything. And I didn't do anything wrong did I? So I thought that maybe its either that Seth doesn't want Johnny to have like a friend or a bestfriend OR that Seth may be overprotective cause he likes Johnny more than a friend?" I quickly rambled. I was do frusturated.

"Ahaha. You're hilarious." Jen skipped into English class. Did she not get my whole speech or something? Cause she called me funny and sat down in her seat.

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"I'm pretty sure that Seth is not gay for Johnny." Jen rolled her eyes.

"How could you be so sure?" I said.

"Geez. Well if its bothering you so much why don't you ask him?" Jen told me as if that wasn't the first thing I thought of.

"He probaly hates my guts. Why do you think he spat at me like that? He doesn't care about me. He told Johnny to next time leave me on the floor like that." I angrily said.

"Class, please sit in your seats. Since you guys are too loud I have a sitting chart until you be quiet again." Ms. Frederick said.

"What are we in? 8th grade?" Jen rolled her eyes and went on her phone.

"In this row we have Joanne, Amelia, Seth, and Tony."

"This ought to be good." Jen smirked and walked away.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me." I said loudly not giving a damn anymore. I can not sit in front of Seth.


As soon as the bell rang, I was nearly the 2nd one out of there. Having to sit in front of Seth for am hour in English was PURE torture. I could feel him staring right through my soul the whole time.

Jen soon caught up with me and we walked to our next class. I had two classes with her.


After finishing school, I waited in the girls locker room for the girls. Lily came first and then Ashley walked in with Jen. I went to the bathroom stalls and changed into my swimsuit. I'll probaly have to see Seth again today unless he ditches practice with Johnny.

After we finished changing, we walked to the bleachers next to the pool and sat down. I looked around didn't see Seth anywhere.

"Looking for your boyfriend?" Lily smirked.

"More like trying to stay 1000000 miles away from him." I rolled my eyes.

"Amelia, you're acting like he's trying to haunt you down and kill you. It was just a one time thing. I'm pretty sure he didn't mean anything. He was probably in a pissy mood." Jen said.

After our coach told us to jump in and do a warmup, Seth didn't show up. Thank god. Ashley and Jen were still sitting at the bleachers talking.

"Seth is not here." I told her.

"He's never here. He always ditches practice." She replied.

"What do I do? Its driving me crazy." I kicked even harder causing the water to splash everywhere.

"Honestly, I think you should just ask him what the problem is." Lily answered.

"But WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM?" I said loudly causing everyone to look at me. "Whoops. Sorry." I said and they returned to doing the warmup.

"Well, thats why you ASK him." Lily swam ahead.


After a few hours of practice, I got picked up. Right when I got into my house I grabbed a extra pair of clothes and took a long hot shower. While I was waiting for my mom to prepare dinner, I watched netflix and went on my phone.

I'm deciding on whether I should or not ask Seth. Why is this so frustrating? Why should I care?


Hiii guys! I am so sorry that the first two chapters are really short. I kind of suck at writing intros so I'm basically introducting the scence and life of Amelia. Getting you used to her friends and such. But the next chapter will have more stuff happening and be more long. Thank you!

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