Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

            The soft kisses on my neck and warm hands caressing my body had awoken me up from a glorious sleep. It felt so good that I thought I was dreaming and I tried to roll over and go to sleep. I then heard a chuckle and those same hands gently turned me over. I opened my eyes to see London. He’s looking down at me with love and adoration plastered across his face. “Good Morning baby,” London said with a gentle smile.

            “Good Morn—“his lips were over mine before I could utter a word. He softly caressed his lips with mine and licked my bottom lip before gently nibbling on it. The motion made me gasp. He took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around my waist as he continued to explore my mouth.

'           “MMM…you taste so good.” he growled into my mouth. Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our kissing started getting hotter when London grasped my hips and started grinding on me. It seemed as if we were in our own little cocoon of heat and passion. I never wanted it to end; unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. London growled and set me aside. Wondering what made his attitude change, I started to smell food and hear footsteps coming our way. “I guess we’ll have more alone time later.” London wrapped his right arm around my waist and gave me a small peck on the cheek. I looked up at him and gave him a peck on the nose.

            When I hear the doorknob turning, I look up to see Jolvien, my gentle giant, carrying a tray full of breakfast food. Entering behind him was Alexi and Dmitrius carrying bouquets of roses. “Good Morning beautiful.” they all said in unision. I blushed in response.

            Jolvien set the tray down in front of me to search for a chair. He sat down beside me and caressed my knuckles. “You are the most beautiful woman that I have ever laid eyes on.” He softly grazed his lips across my jawline. He pulled me off the bed and into his lap. “My morning will be made once a see a smile on those beautiful lips of yours.” I giggled as he stroked my cheek.

            Looking over the rest of the boys, I saw that London was putting on some pajama bottoms; Alexi and Dmitrius were placing their flowers in vases and setting them on the windowsill. They all seemed to finish at the same time and made their way back over to the bed.

            “So, who’s going to feed me?” I said jokingly.

            “We’re taking turns.” Jolvien murmured in my ear.

            Jolvien decided to go first by giving me a pancake, while the rest ate. Then I was given over to Alexi, who palmed by ass…figures. He chuckled at my shocked expression and fed me eggs before giving me a sip of orange juice. Dmitrius looked at me lustfully while I was being handed to him. The look in his eyes brought on memories of last night and I turned as red as a black girl could. Dmitrius laughed and had me straddle him as he torn off a piece of bagel and slid it into my mouth. As I was eating the piece of bagel, I felt lips sucking on my neck. Moaning, I arched myself into Dmitrius.  “I love it when you moan.” He passed me over to the man who was sucking on my neck, London, my Alpha male. Placing me on the bed, London leaned over towards the tray, got an orange, and started to peel it. He then fed me a slice. Smiling at the gesture, some orange “juice” trickled down the corner of my mouth. Growling lowly, he watched it like a hawk. His eyes never left it as it slid down my face. London got on top of me and slowly licked it up.           

“I love you.” He said.

“I know. I love me too!” Laughing, he sat me up and told me that they were all taking me shopping so I’ll have things here and at Aunt Mary’s whenever I wanted to visit her. Speaking of Aunt Mary, I remembered that Dmitrius called the house telling about the change of dinner plans.

            “So why did we have dinner here last night if it’s normally at Aunt Mary’s house?”

            “We believe that rogues are traveling just outside of our borders and we just wanted to give her a heads up. She has a chatterbox for a mouth so I’ll know that the talk of rogues will spread.” London laughed and watched me as I got off of the bed.

            “What? No, I can’t lose her London.” I turned to face them all. “Especially to rogues. She’s the only family that I have left.”

Both sets of my grandparents died before my senior year in high school, my mother was an only child, and my dad only had one brother, Aunt Mary’s deceased husband.

“Sweetheart, do not worry, I already have guards looking after her, patrolling her house and following her wherever she goes.” I look up and see Dmitrius staring at me with worry. “She will not be harmed. She is like a mother to us. Besides, we’re a part of your family too. And I guarantee that you won’t lose any of us. We are here for the long haul and the deepest pits of hell with freeze over before we leave you or let you go. You belong to us.”

And with that, they all gave me a kiss on the forehead or cheek. London walked into the closet and changed in five seconds flat, smirking at me, he walked into the bathroom. Alexi and Jolvien were still cleaning up.

“Jolvien, can you stay for a second?” Jolvien quickly handed his things over to Alexi who winked at me and left the room.

“What can I do for you beautiful?” I swear when he blushes, he’s the most adorable man that I have ever laid eyes on.

“Can you help me get ready?” My hand up to his cheek and gently stroked it.

He then grabbed my cheek, kissed my palm “Anything for you.”

Picking me up, he carried me into the closet and put me on my feet with one arm still wrapped around me. That gesture made me feel completely safe and loved.

I decided to head over to the “undergarments” and picked out a pair of black lacy panties. After I put them on, I saw Jolvien staring intently at the floor nervously flicking his fingers. Laughing and kissing him on the cheek I told him that he was too adorable for his own good, which caused him to blush. Going over to the dresses, I decided to get a peach, strapless dress that had a sweetheart neckline and ended about 3 inches above the knee. Then I decided to wear tan flats with regular pearl earrings with a pearl “collar” necklace. When I couldn’t clip on my necklace, Jolvien came over, gently brushed my hair to the side of my neck and hooked on the necklace. After he finished, I thanked him and started to move my hair when his hand stopped me. Before I knew anything, I felt his oh so soft lips at the back of my neck. He then moved his lips over to my ear and whispered “I love you. I love you, Isabella. I love you.” Turning around, I wrapped my arms around his neck and told him that I love him too. What started as a little peck on the lips turned out into a full blown make out session. We must’ve been making out for quite a while because we heard Alexi, London, and Dmitrius on the first floor telling us to hurry up. Pulling back, we looked at each other. I realized that Jolvien will always be my confidante, my shoulder, would always have a major grip on my heart. I love him and that is the truth.

“Well I guess we better hurry.” Jolvien said.

“Not yet! I haven’t done my hair OR my make up!” I ran to the full length mirror and saw hair and makeup accessories and saw Jolvien through the mirror laughing in the background. Quickly brushing out my hair, I placed it as a neat, sleek ponytail. I then put on eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss on. I was done in less than 5 minutes! “Mission accomplished.”

I grabbed Jolvien’s hand and he led us downstairs to where everyone else is waiting and we all headed to the garage. Jumping into huge, sleek, black SUV, I got shotgun with London in the driver seat.

A day out with my men. Hm…my men, that has a nice ring to it.

We know princess they mentally all said at once. Blushing once again, I looked out of the window ready to embrace my new life…with my men.

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