Chapter 12

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“So sweetheart, I was thinking we would go play a few games at the local arcade, catch a late movie, and then after that, I have a surprise for you. I just hope that you’ll enjoy it.” Jolvien said as we sped out of the driveway, holding my hand.

“I’m sure that I will enjoy EVERY single part of this date tonight,” I responded wistfully.

We pull up into a parking lot full of teenagers making out, blasting their car speakers while dancing, skateboarding, and just hanging out.

Jolvien helped me out of the car and held my hand as we walked inside.

It was a quaint, little place with a few pool tables, old fashion arcade games like: Pacman, Ms. Pacman, Space Invaders, Frogger, and various other things.

“Not fair! You beat me!”  Jolvien teased as we walked back to his car.

“Just can’t stand to lose to a girl, huh?” I laughed, as he held the door open for me.

I knew all along that he let me win most of the games. How sweet, right? He’s such a gentlemen. And that is one of the reasons I love about him.

We arrive at the movie theater at 9:45 p.m. to watch the 10:00p.m. movie of 21 and Over.

“Would you like any popcorn or something to drink?” Jolvien asks as we near the concession stand after paying for our tickets.

“Yes, please that’ll be great. I’ll have a wildberry lemonade to drink, if that’s ok.”

“Nothing is a problem for you babe.” He said gently placing a kiss on the part of my neck where my marks were going to be.

Marks! I totally forgot about that, I mentally shout to myself. Oh my gosh. When we mate, we are going to have sex! Oh no! he’s gonna see me naked!! It’s ok, it’s ok, I’ll just keep my clothes on, there we go. Problem solved.

“I’ll carry our things baby, Jolvien said. “But be warned. When we mate, I want to see you in all your voluptuous glory. I want to bask in your delectable curves and give you all of my loving. Don’t hide yourself from me.”

Looking deep into his eyes, I see all the love and joy that this man, right here in front of me can give. And there is no doubt that I will ever say no to him.

“I can’t believe they got caught by the sorority!” I laughed as I glanced over at Jolvien. I think I might be just making up things, but I do believe that he has been staring at me during most of the movie.

Feeling his sensual, warm breath on the side of my neck, I stifle a moan, and turn my head towards him, with our lips almost touching.

“You’re right, my love. I have been staring at you. You are too beautiful to resist.” He smirked.

Blushing, I turned back to the movie at hand.

I turned back to the scene at hand and watched as the two boys were getting spanked by a paddle.

“DUDE! When a girl says ‘smack that ass,’ you smack that ASS!”

At that line, both Jolvien and I burst out laughing, as well as the rest of the movie goers.

After our laughter settled down, we continued to watch the movie, only to be stopped by a hand resting on my shoulder. I knew it didn’t belong to Jolvien because his arm was wrapped around my waist.

“Excuse me, could you please get your hand off my shoulder,” I said as I turned to look the man in the eye. He was decent looking, but he had nothing on my men.

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