Chapter 25

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***Here's a new chapter! I noticed that I didn't post a picture of Lisa so there's a picture on the side!***

****There's also a disturbing scene in here. I cried when I wrote because it was  just so sad to me...

London’s P.O.V.

“As you all know, we have been on a search for Miss Mary Kent, a sweet woman and benefactor to everyone in this room. One way or another, she helped and provided for us when we needed it most. And now, we must return the favor.” I stood up and walked around the oval table as I talked. Because right now, that’s the only thing that’s keeping me grounded and not going after that fucker that’s trying to hurt my family. “We have estimated the location of where she is being held and we will attack very soon, but not tonight. Uh, yes?”

One of the new boys that joined the rank of trackers, surveyors, and warriors wanted to ask a question. On the outside, he looks as if he can’t lift a shoe. But I’ve seen that boy fight, and he is not to be played with. He will definitely be of use to us upon attack. “If the caller blocked tracing on the phone and covered their scent along with Miss Kent, how did you locate them and why can’t we attack soon?”

Smirking, I walked back up front and stood behind my chair so I can see all of the men in the room. “I was getting to that, son. But thank you. Your future Luna has decided to let two outsiders stay in the pack house. They appeared on our territory around the time Miss Kent went missing, according to the cameras aligning our grounds. We’ve learned of their history, their last pack, and who their former Alpha is. Jason Gathrie is their Alpha. He has history with our pack according to what father used to tell us. He is a ruthless man and always has been. He vowed to seek revenge on this pack and this may be it; by taking a woman who is connected to the future Luna of this pack. We would attack soon but we don’t know the motives of Mrs. Gathrie or little Lisa. For the next day or two, they will be under surveillance and then once we get the information that we need, we’ll keep them captive until everything is resolved and decide what to do with them later. Agreed?”

I carefully surveyed the room to see if they were on track with the plan. Some nodding while others chuckled and verbally agreed. “Good, you are all dismissed. Until then, keep watching the borders and anything that may seem suspicious.”

I watched as all of the men, except for my brothers, exit the room. I took my seat while they sat closer and looked as if they were in deep thought. Jolvien seemed as if he was in a different world, Alexi looked frustrated and Dmitrius looked heartbroken. One thing we all had in common was one thing.


I can just see the loss of life in their eyes. We haven’t seen her as much as we liked and we miss her tremendously. Of course, we’ve seen her. But we haven’t touched her, made her laugh, or held her as she slept for too long. The only way I haven’t gone completely insane is by watching her on the surveillance cameras around the house. Watching her walk around the house and hiding from Lance and Jacob always puts me in good spirits and motivates me to hurry and get this situation settled.

“You guys, I have a confession to make.” We all looked up at Jolvien wondering what’s up. “I..I sorta snuck away earlier to see Isabella. I just couldn’t handle being apart from her! And…I sorta…” He started to mumble and blush.

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