Chapter 13

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Alexi’s P.O.V.


Hearing the soft moans ringing throughout my bedroom caused me to roll over and find out the cause of those melodious sounds. What I saw caused my heart to squeeze, in a pleasurable way. I saw my heart, Isabella curled up against Jolvien. It was different. She was at a higher position, cradling Jolvien’s head against her stomach while he wrapped his arms around her knees.

It was a wonderful sight to see. Chuckling at myself, I looked back on my life until about a week ago. Countless women, in and out of my life. All different shapes, sizes, heights, and colors. The only thing they all had in common was the size of their asses. I. LOVE. ASS. But my baby Isabella takes the cake. It’s so nice, round, and soft.

After laying eyes on her for the first time, she changed me for the better. Of course, I was the cliché player. I had a different woman every night. I mean why just stick to one woman went I could have them all. Yet, this sweet and innocent angel lying down next to me. Thanks to her, I now know what it means to really love someone. An all-consuming passion that overflows from the bottom of your heart.

I can never get enough of her. There is no other woman for me, she’s perfect.

Gazing down at my love, I take in her sleeping figure. She looks so peaceful lying down with a soft smile on her face. I want to be part of her everything (I know that I must share her with my brothers, and I’m okay with that. As long as she loves me.).

I sure can’t wait for tonight.

Out of excitement, I took a day off from work and let my partner run the office today, while I prepared a wonderful date for my princess.

Giving her a soft kiss on her forehead, I get up to start my day.

Isabella’s P.O.V.

The faint shutting of the bedroom door had awoken me. Deciding to get a move on with my day, I open my eyes. I was curled up against Jolvien and giggled.

He must’ve heard me because he was stirring awake.

“Morning baby,” he smiled, reaching for a kiss.

“Morning to you,” I mumbled covering my mouth.

“Move your hand and let me kiss you,” he jokingly demanded.

“NO! Morning breath.”

Taking no for an answer, he flipped me over so I was on the bottom and gently grasped both of my hands within his own and gave me a soft and sweet kiss.

Wow…what a way to wake up.

“Thank goodness today is over.” I mumbled to myself as I locked the office door.

I only had two clients today and they were both tiresome.

My first clients had some bad children and didn’t know how to discipline them; the answer was simple. Whoop their little asses. I mean come on, there is a fine line between abuse and discipline. What’s that saying again? Spare the rod, spoil the child. Anyway, I hope they took my advice.

My second client was a complete mess. He was a disgusting whorebag who didn’t know how to keep it in his pants, even while married. Apparently, his wife walked in on him and her best friend in their marital bed. When she filed for divorce and about to go through the rejection process, he realized that he wanted to change. Stupid, whorish man.

Stumbling into the kitchen, I glance out of the window and I see Alexi jumping out of his car and runs into the house. A few seconds later, he crashes into the kitchen and pulls me into a bear hug.

“Hey baby,” he says kissing my neck.

“Hey..y…y…” I stuttered.

Chuckling at my response, he tells me that our date is a surprise, he’s found the perfect place and tells me to dress casual and be ready in 30 minutes.

30 minutes later…

I glanced in the mirror, evaluating myself.

I wore a pair of dark blue shorts, a white lace buttoned up shirt, nude stockings, black boots, and my leather jacket.

“I think I look okay,” I mumbled to myself.

Thoughts of last night came rushing back into my mind when the boys were complementing me before my date with Jolvien…

The soft knocking on my door let me know that my time is up and there’s no time to change.

As I opened the door, I saw Alexi standing there, looking like a fine piece of meat. I mean good Lord. My mate is fiiiiiine. He was wearing some dark jeans, a white cotton v-neck, a leather jacket and some black jordans.

“You look beautiful” “You look amazing” we both said to each other at the same time.

Laughing at our silliness, he grasped my hand and lead us outside to his car.

“Come on, tell me where we are going please!” I begged for the umpteenth time.

“No, no sweetheart! You’ll just have to wait and see…” he laughed, rubbing his hand up and down my leg.

For the next 15 minutes, it was silent. I was fuming because he wouldn’t tell me. Every time I glanced over at him, I saw him stifling a laugh.

Jackass. I thought to myself. But he’s my jackass.

That’s right baby, I’m all yours.

Looking over at him, I couldn’t stay mad.

I really couldn’t stay mad, especially when I started to hear carnival music.

No way. No way. No way.

“AH! We’re at the fair! We’re at the fair! OMG!”

“Haha, surprise baby.”

Once we found parking, we headed straight into the fair without purchasing the tickets.

“Alexi wait, don’t we need tickets?”

“Don’t worry baby, I know the guy that owns the fair company. Tonight, we are VIPs.”

“Awesome!” I yelled as we headed to the twilt-tur-whirl.

“I can’t believe you almost threw up on me!”

“Now don’t blame me! I told you I didn’t want to get on the pirate ship FIVE TIMES! And remember, we had funnel cake AND cotton candy BEFORE we got on that ride, so don’t be mad at me, mister!” I said playfully smacking him on the chest before running off into the living room where I saw Dmitrius and Jolvien playing Black Ops and London going over some paperwork. They all seemed to notice me running into the room with smiles on their faces.

“Hide me!” I screamed running over to London, hopping onto  his lap.

“Don’t worry baby, I won’t let bad Alexi get to you,” he cooed in my ear.

Right afterwards, Alexi came running in and attacking me in a tickle fight. London just held me down while Dmitrius and Jolvien laughed their tails off, at my expense.

Ah, my boys……

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