Chapter 28

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New chapter! I decided to write something in between classes. 

Hope you enjoy!


Isabella’s P.O.V.

The girls and I sat in silence for the most part, the rest of the week. Our guys had gone off to find this Jason character and to make an example out of him and the pack members who went along with his plan; Harry. The only people who stayed in pack territory were the women, children, and a few guards nearing their time for retirement.

Aunt Mary tried to keep our spirits of the women high and the children busy, but instead, we were walking around; feeling dead inside. We knew that the mission the men left to conquer would be incredible and devastating. Incredible as in one of the most epic battle in were history. Devastating as in the gut-wrenching feeling to see your loved one come home in a bag.


Jason’s P.O.V.


The pain that my baby, Kimberly, was in right now was tearing me to pieces. I felt every chain imprinted on her skin and it slowly burned through. I heard her screams as she begs them to release her. I know that they are trying to convince her to turn me over. But I know that won’t happen. We talked about this before she left to complete her part of the mission.

No matter what happens to me baby, I promise I won’t betray you. Your grandfather needs justice and he’s going to get it.

Smiling in remembrance, I fast walked to the cabin where Harry has the hostage, with my Beta and Delta marching behind me.

The unlocked door told me that something wasn’t right. I gave Harry strict orders to only leave at a certain time so he may get dinner and I assigned backup to watch the cabin until Harry came back.

My face changed from shock to anger when I saw Harry slumped over the table snoring loudly with drool coming out of his mouth and an empty cell. I kicked the cell to let out my anger. My Beta and Delta stood at the door, their stances erect, waiting for danger. That gave me all the time in the world to see what my little friend, Harry, was up to.

“Wake up!” I kicked the table legs and it crashed to the floor, Harry falling right behind him. He woke up at the very last second and tried to catch himself but he didn’t make. He cradled his right wrist and groaned.

“Ugh, where am I?” he looked in a daze and that pissed me off even more. He wasn’t supposed to be asleep. Because of his lack of discipline, the one thing that I had leverage on has disappeared.

His sleep endowed eyes landed on me and he raised himself up very keep and bowed his head. “Uh, hello Alpha. What can I do for you?” He wiped his mouth with his hand and slowly put it behind his back when he saw me cringe from disgust.

“ Well, my good friend, I would like to know how are you and if keeping the hostage well enough for my plans.” I patted him on the shoulder and inwardly smile when he slightly jumped.

“Oh, Mary!” he perked up and began walking to the cell, beckoning me to follow. “She’s been doing excellent. Once I threatened her, I swear she kept quiet like a wolf stalking his prey.” He chuckled at his bland little joke but ceased when he saw my unamused expression. “Uh as I was saying, she’s the perfect prisoner. She even—.” He stopped when I saw that the cell door was opened and the woman was nowhere to be found. “Um, sir. I don’t know what to tell you. It’s possible that I may have been drugged or--.” He didn’t get the rest of his pathetic excuse out because I knocked him in the jaw and laughed when I heard it crack as he fell to the ground.

I turned around and called out to my Delta. “Go and find that missing bitch. I want her back in one piece so I can have to pleasure of tearing her limb from limb.” I turned back to my pathetic companion. “You can’t do anything right!” I kicked him in the gut. “You can’t even fuck an old lady, lure her and keep her.” Every kick that I delivered to every part of his body received a satisfying crack or cry from the bastard.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear, ignoring his useless cries. “You will never be good enough, old man.” I stood back up and bid him farewell before lifting my foot and smashing his head in with only one stomp. I fished out my handkerchief and wiped the blood and pieces of bone off my shoe before throwing it onto the ground and made my way out of the cell.

“Alright Dave, let’s go help hunt for the—what the hell is this?!” Dave was forced on his knees and had a silver knife held tightly against his neck. I looked behind Dave and the man who has him on the ground and saw five other men. One man in front had something huge over his shoulder. It wasn’t until he came and stood nearly ten feet away from me did I notice that it was my Delta, Jameson’s body; he was dead.

The guy holding Jameson’s body threw him down like a sack of potatoes and walked towards me. He moved like lightening.  This man was so fast I didn’t have time to do anything. I didn’t have time to transition into my wolf, I didn’t have time to reach under my pant leg and grab my gun, I didn’t even have time to tell him to wait.

This giant of a man tackled me and forced me on my stomach before reaching for my arms and pulling them behind my back. “So from what I assume and from what your rat of a Beta told us, you are Alpha Jason.” I felt a burning sensation on my arms and yelled aloud when I realized he is wrapping my arms behind my back with silver. His glove covered hand slammed my mouth shut and he chastised me. “Tut…tut…tut. No crying out Jace. Is it alright if I call you Jace?” He patted my cheek with his other hand and pulled me in a standing position by the chains. I swear I smelled burning flesh and I knew for a fact that it was mine. A copper taste filled my mouth and immediately knew that I bit my tongue to keep from crying out in pain.

“My my Jacey boy, you have gone and got yourself in a shitload of trouble. Are you ready to see your lovely wife? I can’t wait to see you watch her being punished knowing that you will endure ten times worse.”

“Oh fuck you, you piece of shit! You won’t get anything out of me.” I was fueled with fury. My Delta is dead; my Beta is a little rat pussy and betrayed his pack. But most of all, my plan was falling to pieces and I will never achieve what I had hoped for.

“Ha, I think I will.” He responded with a swift punch to my jaw. “Off the rat and let’s take Jacey wacey back to Alpha.”

In the blink of an eye, Dave’s throat was split wide open. Normally this kind of shit doesn’t bother me. But what set me off a little was as Dave was slowly dying, he was looking directly at me. I saw his whole life story in his eyes before they clouded over and he faded away.

The worst part is, my turn is surely to follow.

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