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Thank you for reading my story! I am really honored.                                                                                    

This is the Epilogue and I hope you enjoy.                                                                                                          

 I may come back and change some things around. I'm not entirely sure.  

But tomorrow, I will start working on my other stories! 


One year later…

“Luna, come pway with us! PWEASE!” The group of little children picked at my fingers and poked my sides until I agreed.

“Okay okay kids!” I giggled and got up from the pool chair and followed them to the yard where I started playing catch with them. Ten minutes later, the little pups were exhausted but still wanted to play.

“Wrap it up kids! Time for dinner.” I looked to the back porch and saw Jolvien with a towel over his shoulder motioning the children to follow him and winked at me. The little boys chased each other while the two little girls Jasmine and Ari grabbed my hands and swung them back and forth as we made our way inside.

“Hey baby, go ahead and sit down with the others. We’ll be out soon.” I kissed Jolvien and nodded in response.

“Eeeew! Luna, you’re gonna get cwooties!” Jasmine and Ari teased us as we walked into the dining room.

The entire pack came over to celebrate the beginning of summer. Yesterday was the last day of school and graduation was today. The twins, Jacob and Lance along with their mate, Lisa, graduated today. The other graduates in the pack are here as well and they all plan to leave for Senior Week tomorrow morning. But right now, they wanted to spend time with their pack. Their family.

Lisa has blossomed into a beautiful young lady oozing with so much confidence. I couldn’t be more proud of her. Jacob and Lance have been by her side non-stop and became a part of the healing process of losing both of her parents. I was worried that she would withdraw from everyone who was trying to help her. Thank goodness it was the opposite.

The young ones headed off to the kiddy table while I sat at the end of the table next to Troy. He seemed to not notice me. His eyes were trained on Aunt Mary who was sitting on the opposite side of him. They kept eye raping each other and I’m pretty sure they were playing footsies under the table. Kind of weird since Aunt Mary is nearly 15 years his junior. But what can I say? She’s back at it.

 My guys came in shortly carrying the main trays and sat them in the middle of the table before taking their seats. London sat at the other end of the table while Dmitrius took his seat next to me while Alexi and Jolvien sat on the other side of him.

“Everyone quiet down.” When London stood, he commanded the entire presence of the room; like the Alpha he is. “This past year has been intense. One of our loved ones was kidnapped and this pack was close to endangerment. But like the powerful pack that we are, we triumphed and beat the odds. From the bottom of my heart I would like to tell you all how much I love you and this family is only going to move onto bigger and better things. So on behalf of my precious Luna,” he paused and stared at me before continuing. “I would like to announce that Isabella is pregnant.”

Cheers and congratulatory mannerisms were granted and shared throughout the room. I blushed and rubbed my stomach, where my child lay.


“Ah, there you are.” Dmitrius entered the silent room. The light was off but the revolving blue nightlight made of animal shadows scattered across the walls. “We’ve been looking for you baby. How is he?” His arm rested against the rocking chair and watched as I fed our baby, Maxim. I swear Maxim is 4 months going on 40. He always has a look of seriousness and he’s so quiet. It’s as if he’s observing and planning.

The day after our mating, I had come to terms that I was pregnant. After Jolvien’s mysterious comment, Alexi ran a pregnancy test. Since we are wolves, the sperm reached the egg sooner and bum bum dah bum…I became pregnant right after the mating.

We all sat down and decided that we didn’t need a paternity test. As far as we were concerned, Maxim had four strong awesome fathers to look up to.

Little Maxim started to push his bottle away and I knew that he was finished. I laid him on my shoulder and began burping him. “You know, you are very good at motherhood.” Dmitrius sat on the floor next to me caressing my legs and watched Maxim and me. “We have our little Alpha here and you’re pregnant again. By the end of 5 years, we’ll have our own basketball and football team!” I smacked him upside the head and smirked.

“Boy, I’m not pushing out 10+ big head babies!” Maxim finally burped and gurgled in satisfaction. He was the perfect baby boy. He had light caramel skin, deep hazel eyes, and curly brown hair. He smiled his toothless smile and yawned.

Getting up, I placed him in his baby crib and turned on the monitor. “Goodnight sweet baby.” Dmitrius and I kissed his forehead and watched him sleep for a few minutes.

“Come on sweetheart, let’s go to bed.” He grabbed my hand and we slowly walked out of the baby room across the hall into our bedroom. Alexi and Jolvien were packing up leftovers to take to the homeless shelter in town tomorrow. London was walking the territory with other guards.

Dmitrius stripped us of our clothes and we crawled into bed. Our legs were entangled and my head lay on his chest. “I’m so glad that we found you baby girl.” He lifted my hand and kissed my ring. “You set everything in place for me. This pack has a wonderful Luna, my brothers and I have an amazing wife and mate, and you are the best mother to our little one. I couldn’t ask for anything else because my life has been made whole.”

What London said earlier about this family’s triumph is true. We have done amazing things and there is so much left to come. Snuggling deeper into Dmitrius’ chest, I smiled and eagerly awaited the future. 


Once again, THANKS FOR READING! I love you guys! :)

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