Chapter Twelve

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I drove down the street, doing damn near 80 mph. We were in a residential area but I didn't care. I cannot believe Mark had the audacity to put his hands on my daughter. On top of that, Gina didn't do anything about it! What grown man puts their hands on a child? On top of that, she's a girl! And she's his stepdaughter! 

When Gabby called me I was beyond livid. I immediately stopped what I was doing and came to pick her up.  No one was going to put their hands on my daughter and get away with it. The whole right side of Gabby's face is red. I wish I was on duty today, Mark would have been arrested. 

I turned the corner and pulled up in front of Mark's house. I took the key out the ignition and stormed out the car. I walked over to the passenger side, opening the door.

"Get out Gabby. Lets go."

I closed the car door behind her and jogged up to the front door. I didn't bother ringing the doorbell or knocking. I turned the knob and to my surprise, it was open. I stepped inside and was met with glass all over the floor. This must have been Gabby's fault. Thats my girl.

I stepped further into the living room until Gina came from the kitchen with a broom in her hand. When she saw Gabby and I, she completely froze. Was she not expecting me? I thought Gina would have known me better by now. I kept my glare on her.

"Gabby go upstairs and pack all your stuff." 

I watched as Gabby carefully stepped over the glass and went up the stairs. I turned my attention back to Gina and she finally decided to say something instead of standing there dumbfounded.

"Go ahead, Stephon! Take her!"

"I damn sure am taking her! You let your bitch ass husband put his hands on my daughter?!"

Gina was really testing my patience. I was really contemplating taking the broom from her hands and beating her with it. Sadly, I don't hit women. Unlike the clown of a man she married. 

Like clockwork, Mark came into view. He held an ice pack to his forehead. I chuckled as he brought it away from his face. My baby girl did some damage to him. 

We had an intense stare down before he started laughing. He took a seat on the arm of the couch. He wasn't going to be laughing when Im done with him.

"Well look who it is. Daddy himself. What's up Stephon?"

I cracked my knuckles and put my hands to my side. I watched as Gina just stood there. Something was seriously wrong with her. This man had her brainwashed. It was like she didn't do anything without his orders. She's a damn vegetable.


"Why you here man? Is this about your disrespectful ass daughter? She deserved it."

That was the last straw. I came here to do what I had to do. He stood up and was about to walk away, but I put a quick stop to that. I ran over to him and pushed him into the wall. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started to squeeze. I heard Gina yelling in that background, but that just made me squeeze tighter. He tried to fight back but he was no match for me.

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